Useful Resources A-Z
- 1. University Library Resources
- Assertiveness
- I’m OK, You’re OK - Thomas A. HarrisLink opens in a new window
- Feel the Fear - And Do It Anyway - Susan JeffersLink opens in a new window
- Transactional Analysis - Eric BerneLink opens in a new window
- Pantene 'Sorry, Not Sorry' Commercial - YouTubeLink opens in a new window
- Sorry! Why women need to stop apologising - The Career CatalystLink opens in a new window
- How to say "No" without harming your career - The Career CatalystLink opens in a new window
- Improve your career prospects with one magic word - The Career CatalystLink opens in a new window
- Boundaries
- Confidence
- How Women Rise: Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back - Sally Helgesen & Marshall GoldsmithLink opens in a new window
- The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance-What Women Should Know- Katty Kay & Claire ShipmanLink opens in a new window
- Slay in Your Lane: The Black Girl Bible - Yomi Adegoke & Elizabeth UviebinenLink opens in a new window
- Brown Girl Like Me: The Essential Guidebook and Manifesto for South Asian Girls and Women - Jaspreet KaurLink opens in a new window
- Lean In for Graduates - Sheryl SandbergLink opens in a new window
- Self-Confidence Versus Self-Esteem - Self-confidence and self-esteem do not always go hand in handLink opens in a new window
- Why can’t women self-promote? — Women Space ( opens in a new window
- Confidence (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) - The Harvard Business ReviewLink opens in a new window
- Imposter Syndrome
- Ditching Imposter Syndrome – Clare JosaLink opens in a new window
- The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women - Valerie YoungLink opens in a new window
- Playing Big: For Women Who Want to Speak Up, Stand Out and Lead - Tara MohrLink opens in a new window
- Failing Forward by John C. MaxwellLink opens in a new window
- The Inner Game of TennisLink opens in a new window by Timothy Gallwey
- Silence your inner critic: a guide to self-compassion in the toughest times - GuardianLink opens in a new window article
- Download the imposter syndrome doodle - Dr Jess WadeLink opens in a new window
- Valerie Young - Impostor Syndrome InstituteLink opens in a new window
- How to manage ‘imposter syndrome’ | The Careers Blog ( opens in a new window
- You are not a fraud: how you can beat ‘imposter syndrome’ | The Careers Blog ( opens in a new window
- Other useful resources - female focussed
- The Gender Bias: The barriers that hold women back and how to break them - Dr Sabrina Cohen-HattonLink opens in a new window
- The No Club: Putting a Stop to Women's Dead-End Work - Linda BabcockLink opens in a new window
- Redraw the Balance - Inspiring The Future (YouTube)Link opens in a new window
- Gender Equality Explained By Children (YouTube)Link opens in a new window
- Kristin Neff: Self-Compassion (TED Talk)Link opens in a new window
- Understanding Unconscious Bias - from The Royal SocietyLink opens in a new window
- Personal power
- The Authority Gap - Mary Ann SieghartLink opens in a new window
- Women and Power: A Manifesto - Mary BeardLink opens in a new window
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can't Stop Talking - Susan CainLink opens in a new window
- We Should All Be Feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieLink opens in a new window
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: We should all be feminists (TED Talk)Link opens in a new window
- Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men - Caroline Criado PerezLink opens in a new window
- The Female Lead - be inspired by international female role models who have helped shape the worldLink opens in a new window
- The Female Lead (volume 2) We rise by lifting others - Edwina DunnLink opens in a new window
- The Source of Self Regard - Toni MorrisonLink opens in a new window
- The Status Game - Will StorrLink opens in a new window
- Ask for it: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want - Linda Babcock & Sara LascheverLink opens in a new window
- Becoming: A Guided Journal for Discovering Your Voice - Michelle ObamaLink opens in a new window
- Your body language shapes who you are - Amy Cuddy (TED talk)Link opens in a new window
- When She's in the Room: how empowering women empowers the world - Edwina DunnLink opens in a new window
- Sensitive:the power of a thoughtful mind in an overwhelming world - Jenn Granneman & Andre SoloLink opens in a new window
- Power & Impact (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) - The Harvard Business ReviewLink opens in a new window
- Women Rising - Megan Dalla-CaminaLink opens in a new window
- Purpose and Positivity
- Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life - Hector Garcia & Francesc MirallesLink opens in a new window
- Mindset: Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential - Dr Carol DweckLink opens in a new window
- Brené Brown: The power of vulnerability (TED Talk)Link opens in a new window
- Forbes article: Live With Purpose: How to Find Your 'North Star'Link opens in a new window
- Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything - B. J. FoggLink opens in a new window
- Finding Your Own North Star: How to claim the life you were meant to live - M. BeckLink opens in a new window
- The Expectation Effect: How Your Mindset Can Transform Your Life - David RobsonLink opens in a new window
- Why It's Important to Celebrate Small Successes - Psychology TodayLink opens in a new window
- Resilience
- Grit: Why Passion and Resilience are the Secrets to Success - Angela DuckworthLink opens in a new window
- Big Feelings: How to Be Okay When Things Are Not Ok - Liz FosslienLink opens in a new window
- The Resilience Factor: 7 Keys to Finding Your Inner Strength and Overcoming Life's Hurdles - Andrew Shatte and Karen ReivichLink opens in a new window
- How to Fail - Elizabeth Day (Podcast)Link opens in a new window
- Resilience (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series) - The Harvard Business ReviewLink opens in a new window
- Strengths
- The Strengths Profile Book: Finding What You Can Do + Love To Do And Why It Matters by Alex Linley & Trudy BatemanLink opens in a new window
- The Strengths Book: Be Confident, Be Successful, and Enjoy Better Relationships by Realising the Best of You: No. 3 - Alex Linley, Janet Willars and Robert Biswas-DienerLink opens in a new window
- You, Only Better: Find Your Strengths, Be the Best and Change Your Life - Nicholas BateLink opens in a new window
- Values
- Find your Why - Simon SinekLink opens in a new window
- Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be... - Brené BrownLink opens in a new window
- opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window
- opens in a new window
- Visibility
- Why strategic networks are important for women and how to build them - Herminia Ibarra Link opens in a new window
- Networkability, Building your Business one Relationship at a time - Helga Henry & Andy BassLink opens in a new window
- Playing Big: Practical Wisdom for Women Who Want to Speak Up, Stand Out and Lead - Tara MohrLink opens in a new window
- Blog by Anne Wilson, Head of Careers at Warwick - Public speakingLink opens in a new window
- How Do I Create a Good LinkedIn Profile? - LinkedIn HelpLink opens in a new window
- Wellbeing
- Steps to Wellbeing - Warwick UniversityLink opens in a new window
- NHS Self-help therapiesLink opens in a new window
- Young Minds - Mental Health Charity for Children and Young PeopleLink opens in a new window
- Mind - Mental Health CharityLink opens in a new window
- Togetherall - Mental Health SupportLink opens in a new window
- The Overcoming series - offering mental health supportLink opens in a new window
- Future Learn Monash Mindfulness courses: really good discussion of the evidence base for the application of mindfulness and downloadable podcasts containing mediations and mindfulness practice:
- The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment - Eckhart TolleLink opens in a new window
- Stronger Minds PodcastLink opens in a new window