Understanding your personality type: MBTI (P7R)
This workshop is all about you: how you prefer to think, to work, to interact with people, to organise your life. Using the world-renowned MBTI model of personality type, we will help you to enhance your self-awareness in a way that has real, practical value for your personal and professional life.
By the end of the workshop you will be able to:
- Understand the Jungian theory of personality type as a basis for the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
- Apply this knowledge to relevant practical contexts, e.g. How you…
- contribute to debates and discussions
- work with others (including your supervisor)
- give and receive feedback.
Warwick myAdvantage events
Additional information
Who is it for? All postgraduate research students. To register for this workshop, you must be enrolled on (or recently graduated from) one of the following degrees: PhD, MPhil, Masters by Research, EngD, EdD, professional doctorate.
Is any preparation required? Completion of an online MBTI self-assessment questionnaire in advance is encouraged, although not compulsory.
Is catering provided? No
Who is the tutor? Fiona Kent
Further resources: