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Denys Stepanets - WBS

A black and white photo of a man smiling at the camera. He has short, dark hair, a beard and moustache, white skin and dark eyebrows. He has a pale jumper tied around his shoulders and is wearing a black tshirt.

Denys Stepanets, WBS

What made you sign up for the Warwick Award? What was the appeal?

I signed up for the Warwick Award to enhance my employability skills and stand out in the job market after graduation as it was the unique opportunity of getting recognition for the extra-curricular activities that appealed to me the most.

How have you managed to balance developing your skills through the Award with your studies?

I've managed to balance the Warwick Award with my studies by carefully planning my time and integrating activities that align with my academic goals. Prioritising and scheduling have been key to keeping everything balanced.

Have you found the Award platform easy to use and manage your progress?

Yes, the Warwick Award platform has been straightforward to navigate. It's well-organized and provides clear guidance, which has made tracking my progress and managing my development quite manageable.

What are some activities you’ve completed that have contributed towards your Award progress? What sort of skills did they help you develop?

I have volunteered at a local charity, played in a sports team, and done a marketing internship, all contributing to my Award progress. These activities have bolstered my teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.

Which of the 12 core skills at the heart of the Award do you think are the most important ones for students to develop?

I believe critical thinking, communication, and teamwork are the most important core skills. These skills are transferrable across various sectors and vital for both personal and professional growth.

How did it feel when you achieved the Gold Award?

Achieving the Gold Award was a moment of great pride for me. It was a testament to the hard work and dedication I put into developing my skills, and it felt like an acknowledgment of my growth.

How useful do you think your achievements in the Warwick Award will be when you think about life after graduation?

I think my achievements in the Warwick Award will be highly valuable post-graduation as it not only demonstrates a range of skills but also shows my commitment to self-improvement and adaptability, which, in my opinion, is attractive to employers.

What would you say to any new students who are thinking about signing up for the Award?

To new students considering the Warwick Award, I'd say go for it! It's a great opportunity to enhance your skills, get involved in various activities, and receive recognition for your effort.

The Warwick Award has been a journey of personal and professional development, where I've learned to understand my strengths and areas for improvement, and most importantly, to step out of my comfort zone.