Our people

The Social Inclusion Group members are our subject matter experts in social inclusion issues. The team provide advice, guidance, consultation, and coaching to departments and business units across the University to ensure that social inclusion is embedded in all of Warwick’s work.
Find more information about the team below. For general queries please email socialinclusionpa@warwick.ac.uk.

I am a board level cultural change and business transformation professional, driven by Inclusion and People oriented strategies. My skills lie in being able to use my cross-sector experience of working in large complex businesses, customer focussed public service entities to optimise the impact of strategies that I lead. Here at Warwick, I am leading the development and implementation of the Social Inclusion strategy, along with the Social Inclusion team, working in partnership with stakeholders across the university and with external partners to increase diversity of our community and develop an inclusive culture. My areas of focus include developing inclusive leadership skills and engagement, the development of the INspire programme, and working closely with colleagues to develop the Inclusive Education Model for inclusive student and staff experience.
You can contact me using Kulbir.Shergill@warwick.ac.uk.
Hear more about Social Inclusion at Warwick in this video with Kulbir, and learn more about Kulbir's life and career in Warwick Voices: Meet Kulbir Shergill.

Social Inclusion Committee
The Social Inclusion Committee is responsible for advising and making recommendations to the Senate and Council governing bodies on all matters relating to the Social Inclusion strategy and the promotion and monitoring of equality, diversity, and inclusion issues throughout the University.

Self-Assessment Teams
You can find information about the University's SATs for awards and accreditations using the links below:
Our Dignity Principles set out our expectations of how we behave as a community - as individuals and as an institution.
These principles facilitate an environment with the ability to voice ideas at its core, a place in which staff and students operate with mutual respect, with the confidence that equality of opportunity is accessible to all. These principles underpin our desire to give students and staff the best experience possible whilst studying and working here.