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Co-Creation Officers: Additional Resources

The Co-Creation Officer role has been implemented in several areas of the University in the last couple of years, originating in the Institute for Advanced Teaching and Learning. There is a variety of resources available which you can use to help you in starting to build a culture of student engagement and Co-Creation in your team.

Useful Links and Resources:

  • Examples of the Job Advertisement for a Co-Creation Officer (via unitemps).Please note, these would need to be adapted to fit the requirements for your project.
  • IATL Co-Creation Pages - The IATL team have produced fantastic resources for Co-Creation, many of which were created by student Co-Creation Officers. This includes further detail on overcoming challenges to Co-Creation, questions to ask, tips of reflective practice, and more. These pages provide details into what key considerations we should keep in mind when working with students, such as acknowledging power dynamics and institutional barriers.
  • Unitemps pay scales- these are accurate as of October 2023. Please contact unitemps directly for more up to date information. The rate of pay for Co-Creation Officers can vary but should start at grade 4. The Dean of Students Office has some useful guidance for working with unitemps which you can find here - Working with Unitemps (
  • Co-Creation principles poster, This can be used to support with Co-Creation work in helping you develop student Co-Creation in your team through devising student roles, recruitment and ways of working. These principles were developed by Wiki Jeglinska through a workshop with the IDG Portfolio Delivery Team
  • Co-Creation workbook, designed by Wiki Jeglinska, Naomi De La Tour, Yasmine Ballout and Alice Khimasia, for a Co-Creation symposium event. This was created to support staff who are starting to think about including Co-Creation in their work. The workbook presents some definitions of Co-Creation, outlines benefits and challenges of Co-Creation, proposes Co-Creation in projects, and provides some space for reflections.
  • Bookable Co-Creation space in the Library (available to book in Term 2).
  • Hear from Student Project Officers on their podcast and YouTube playlist as a part of the Designing Together WIHEA Project.
  • Snakes and Ladders Handout - an example activity that can be used as handouts or examples in workshops and activities. Use this template to facilitate interactive discussions around snakes (detractors) and ladders (enablers) especially when looking at the topic of belonging.