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As the standard forms created by the British Council as minimum requirements by the European Commission have caused some confusion and concern during the Autumn term, the Study Abroad Team dedicated time to re-constructing our relevant web pages and to revising the forms (within the constraints of the regulations of the Erasmus+ 7 contract) to make them easier to understand and less complicated to complete.

The link to the new web page is

By clicking on the top block ‘forms checklist’ you will move to a page from which you will be able to select the correct forms checklist for your individual placement, upload a copy of this to your unique folder for your information during your placement.

Each form that you are required to complete and upload to your unique folder can be found on the forms page. We have provided a template for your use, an example of a correctly completed form and an example of an incorrectly completed form with comments to help you avoid making avoidable mistakes. We have also provided hints on what the repercussions would be of late or incorrect submissions. In cases where there is not a standard form but we do require essential information we have provided hints on how to submit your details. We hope that you have time to look over these pages and that they will help you in your future forms submissions.

Over the Christmas vacation please consider your plans for the rest of the year and complete a ‘mid-placement’ form for us. This will need to be up-loaded by 31 January to confirm your placement details.

We would like to take the opportunity to wish you a very Merry Christmas and to wish you every success for the remainder of this academic year.

Study Abroad Team