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Campus cats

Rolf the campus cat

Warwick is a campus in which to roam.

Warwick is somewhere that begs to be explored. An environment that encourages the curious to search through the undergrowth of knowledge, and make prodigious leaps in understanding.

But we’re never happy simply chasing our tail. There’s always focus in what we do, from a distinguished degree, a research breakthrough, or a rewarding career, no task is too fur-midable.

And this is somewhere that encourages you to look beyond conventional boundaries - in order to find out more about the world, you need to be willing to scale fences, crawl beneath barriers, or even negotiate airlocks.

So, let’s celebrate Warwick for attracting the cream of the crop and appreciate being somewhere that provides endless puss-ibilities.

But let’s also shine a light on the four-legged members of our community that keep us feline fine on campuss.

Campus cats

Last year the University of Groningen brought together a compendium of cat artefacts to feature in an exhibition. The university invited other seats of learning across the world to submit their stories and pictures of campus cats. Entries were featured in a photo collection, which included our very own campus star, Rolf! This year Warwick is continuing the story.

We want you to send in stories and photos of the campus cats who have inspired you to add to our collection. And next year, we'll pass the exhibition on again.

Perhaps you have a feline friend who visits you in halls? Or a community cat who's made itself at home at your accommodation? Perhaps Rolf has a campus buddy who is a little more elusive?

However you're inspired, share your #CatTales on Instagram and Twitter to add to our collection.

We're also displaying the exhibition which the University of Groningen kindly shared with us. You can find this beautiful photography at various locations around campus.

Augsberg cat

What's On?

As part of our celebration of campus cats, we're teaming up with Rolf to encourage you to take regular breaks from revision, explore campus and try wellbeing activities.

Check out some snaps of Rolf's offical welcome back to campus on May 7. We loved hearing from Rolf's lovely owners and finding out more about the programme of wellbeing events Rolf has inspired!

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