Sam Jackson
Name: Sam
Course: BA 2+2 Social Studies [full-time]
How did you decide to do the course?
Following redundancy and working as a temp, I decided to follow in my mother’s footsteps and sign up for the 2+2 Social Studies degree in the hopes this would bring better job prospects.
Sam (right) attended the graduation ceremony with her dad Michael (left) who also graduated from the degree
What did you enjoy the most from your degree?
I enjoyed learning new things and expanding my knowledge on how our society operates.
What did you find the most challenging, and how did you overcome them to finish your degree?
I found staying organised and on top of the workload whilst having family commitments challenging. To help with this I used weekly planners and tried to include additional time in case tasks took longer than expected or ended up having to be pushed back.
Looking back, what you think you have gained the most from your study?
I feel the biggest thing I have gained is a better understanding of how our society functional and the role politics plays in our everyday lives.
What are you doing now that you have graduated (ie. Career, personal plans, further studies)? Has your study supported that?
I now work in an administrative role for the Civil Service. I would not have been able to gain this role without my degree or the knowledge I gained on my degree course.
If there is one piece of advice you’d give to current students at CLL, what would it be?
Planning and trying to stick to that plan can help to reduce stress and anxiety. Remember to include down time when planning for regular breaks and family time.