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CE 953 Career Related Learning

Module lead: Dr Phil McCash

This module enables participants to develop knowledge and understanding of the relationships between career development and learning and to integrate and apply this in the design of career-related learning in formal and informal contexts.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module, participants should be able to:

  • Identify theories of career development and learning and outline a process of course design, negotiation, assessment and evaluation.
  • Critically evaluate and interpret the knowledge listed above in developing a distinctive stance in relation to teaching and learning in this field.
  • Creatively apply and integrate the knowledge listed above in relation to the enhancement of career-related learning in a selected context.
  • Present material in clear written form by identifying, analysing and applying key texts and practices using appropriate and adequate structure, spelling, grammar, syntax, length and referencing.

Outline syllabus

  • Consideration of participants’ prior career-related learning experiences.
  • Exploration of the relationships between career development and learning in formal and informal contexts.
  • Analysis and interpretation of selected theories of career development and learning (e.g. experiential, critical, situated, depth psychological, social and cultural perspectives).
  • Design and construction of learning outcomes in this field.
  • Course design, concept mapping and negotiation.
  • Assessment of learning outcomes and evaluation.
  • Ethics and values in career-related learning.
  • Use of the above to inform and enhance career-related learning in selected contexts.

Summary of teaching
30 hours of blended learning consisting of intensive workshops and teaching materials provided via a virtual learning environment including on-line lectures, activities, core and optional reading and tutorial support.

Module timing and duration
Usually, this module runs once a year.

The assignment consists of a 5000 word project (100%). Typically, this will entail designing, evaluating and negotiating career-related learning in a selected context.

Useful Links

Key dates and modules