The assignment below is for those attending the 2014 residentials.
Following discussions with the module leader and your line manager, send the work below to the University of Warwick using the online e-submission system.
Part 1: Select and identify three challenges specific to your own role. Analyse and evaluate these challenges and, linked to this, identify recommendations to address the issues raised.
(Word guide 2500; weighting 50%)
Part 2: Select and identify one specific additional challenge relevant to your wider service or organisational context. Analyse and evaluate the impact of this challenge and, linked to this, identify recommendations to address the issues raised.
(Word guide 2500; weighting 50%)
For part 1, you are invited to show an awareness of how the challenges to your role that you have selected have emerged, and the debates surrounding them, drawing from learning on the course and wider reading. Evaluate the challenges selected in the light of your professional values. Consider the role of self and others in addressing the challenges identified. Responses could include recommended changes to governmental, institutional or service policies or professional development needs.
For part 2, you are invited to select any relevant challenge for careers work. Purely for illustrative purposes, this could include: widening participation and diversity; a recent government or policy publication; curriculum enhancement; quality assessment and assurance; uses of destinations data; commercial initiatives; working with employers; partnerships and collaboration; internationalisation; impact measurement; a change in information provision; or student expectations. Your consideration of the topic should include a more detailed treatment of the challenge identified, the institutional context and your professional values.
You can select either a basic essay or report format to respond to both assignments. The desired format can therefore be used for both pieces depending on your choice. In this context, an essay is usually a structured piece of continuous analytical writing. A report is usually a structured piece of analytical writing divided into discrete sections (a more detailed format, scientific report for example, is not required). Appendices can be added to both pieces and can provide a method of managing word count. Neither appendices nor the reference list contribute towards the word count. You are asked to use this assignment to develop a careful, reflective approach to academic writing avoiding the use of clichés, and journalistic or promotional language. You are welcome to contact the Module Leader Gill Frigerio at to discuss any aspect of this module in more depth.
Coursework will be assessed against the learning outcomes described in the University of Warwick module specification and postgraduate assessment criteria. The course version of the Harvard referencing system must be used. Links to all these documents are available in the student handbook.
For students progressing from the 10 credit post-experience Challenges certificate module, only the second part of the Diploma assignment are needed. This is because the first part has already been submitted.