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CE935 Management of Higher Education Career and Employability Services

Module leader: Tania Lyden

This module focuses on strategies for the effective management within the context of career and placement services. It aims to explore a variety of dimensions of management: from managing tasks, teams, individuals and yourself to managing strategically in complex institutional contexts. It looks at management within your particular department as well as managing beyond it, considering partnerships, strategic alliances and external profile. It focuses on integrating management frameworks, tools and techniques with your experience and practice as a manager, at all levels.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of theories of management and their relevance to management of career/employability/placement service.
  • Critically evaluate theories of management in relation to their own area of expertise.
  • Reflect on own skills, knowledge and practice and formulate strategies for development.
  • Creatively apply theories of management in relation to their own area of expertise.
  • Demonstrate written communication skills.
  • time management and organisation; show skills in working with others; and skills in use of information technology.

Outline Syllabus

  • Articulation of our prior experiences, strengths and challenges in management
  • Theory, policy and practice: theoretical, policy and practical perspectives on the purposes of higher education career and employability services.
  • Strategy: given purpose, what and how of strategy formation, how to analyse the environment, the planning cycle
  • Quality and impact: defining purpose and key performance indicators
  • Stakeholders: positioning and strategic alignment with institutional mission, influencing and negotiating, PR/handling the media, being effective in meetings and committees
  • Managing people: motivating, staffing issues, handling difficult people, managing across multiple sites, managing performance
  • Managing self: the split between operational and strategic management, on boarding, prioritising, avoiding burnout, professional values

Summary of teaching
This module is delivered by a mixture of distance learning and attendance based workshops. The latter appears as Management of Higher Education Career and Employability Services in the AGCAS training calendar.

Module timing and duration
Usually, this module runs once a year. Participants are allowed 5 months to complete. Participants should register for this residential with AGCAS, and also complete a Warwick module registration form.

Summative assessment
The assignment consists of a 5000 word project (100%). Participants are usually asked to prepare a plan to demonstrate impact of their own area of service delivery, as well as constructing a reflective account of their own development as a manager.