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CE264 Introduction to Coaching and Mentoring

Module leader: Dean Howes

Module running in 2022/23


This module provides an introduction to the theory and practice of coaching and mentoring. It features the academic study of coaching and mentoring, including definitions, theoretical approaches, contemporary issues and application areas. In addition, fundamental skills of coaching and mentoring will be developed through a mixture of role-play activities with fellow students and the analysis of recordings of coaching and mentoring sessions.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of definitions, theories, models, practices and experiences in relation to coaching and mentoring
  • Examine of a range of practical and ethical issues related to coaching and mentoring
  • Perform a range of coaching and mentoring skills appropriate for this level of study
  • Reflect upon and critically analyse experiences of developing a range of coaching and mentoring skills appropriate for this level of study

Outline Syllabus

The course is intended to develop students in a number of related ways: Introducing students to a range of relevant concepts and theories; Thinking about students' own personal and professional development; Thinking about how students can support others in their coaching and mentoring.

The module sessions cover the following topics:

  • Core coaching and mentoring skills: listening, questioning and feeding back;
  • The role of coaching and mentoring in adult learning;
  • Historical and contemporary examination of the role, function and application of coaching and mentoring;
  • The emerging coaching and mentoring 'profession';
  • Creating and managing a learning alliance between coach/mentor and coachee/mentee;
  • Ethical and organisational issues in coaching and mentoring; Approaches to coaching and mentoring;
  • Applications of coaching and mentoring in a range of professional contexts;
  • Developing as a reflective practitioner;
  • Developing the qualities of a confident and resilient learner;
  • Developing an individual approach to coaching and mentoring.

Summary of teaching

25*2 hours of blended learning that is predominantly intensive, residential workshops with further materials provided via a virtual learning environment supported by a module reading pack and tutorial support.

Module timing and duration

Please see Key Modules and Dates on the right hand side of the page.


The assignment consists of a 3,000 word Reflective Piece (60%) and an Observation of Coaching Practices (40%). The assignment asks students to critically reflect upon their experiences in the context of coaching and/or mentoring.


Useful Links

Key dates and modules