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Key dates

The current dates available for CDCS and CEIGHE modules are listed below.

These should help give you an idea of when modules run but if you would like to discuss this further, please contact us.

Career Development and Coaching Studies module dates

Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education module dates

Career Development and Coaching Studies - 2020/2021

Please note, in the light of the Covid-19 situation, changes in delivery of modules are indicated below.

Please find below the module dates for CDCS modules in 2020/21. Please note these are provisional and will be confirmed later in the timetabling process.

Career Education, Information and Guidance in Higher Education -2020/2021

The module dates for modules in 2020/21 are set as provisional and may be subject to change. Please check the AGCAS website for the most recent information on AGCAS courses. Some AGCAS dates for the following year are released in the Autumn term, usually by the end of October, with further updates throughout the year. We update the table as new information becomes available.