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CE 944 Careers in Organisations

Module Leader: Wendy Pearson


This module enables students to develop a deep understanding of employee resourcing and talent management within the context of career development practice within organisations and external career coaching to support candidates and employees.
Students will be able to work with clients in a career coaching context to support them through these processes.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module the student should be able to:

  • Identify, describe, and evaluate in depth, the knowledge, skills and behaviours of resourcing and talent management within organisations.
  • Identify, describe, and evaluate the ethical issues in recruitment and talent management, and how to maximise the equality of opportunity in relation to recruitment and career development.
  • Critically evaluate the challenges faced by candidates and employers in talent acquisition and talent management processes in the context of current employment market.
  • Creatively integrate the knowledge and skills relating to resourcing and talent management into their own career development professional practice.
  • Communicate verbally in the effective delivery of careers in organisations; and in clear written form by critiquing recruitment, selection and talent management practices and related career coaching practices using the current course guides to presentation and referencing.
  • Develop professional skills in the design and delivery of recruitment, selection and talent management processes and the skills to coach clients through these processes
Outline syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Introduction to the module, exploring learners’ existing knowledge and experience, emphasising the complementary nature of internal and external career coaching and exploring the definitions of organisations, recruitment, talent management and identifying the typology and nature of different organisations and the implications for working life within them.
  • Links with core modules (career development theories covered in CE951 and career coaching practices developed in CE952) relating these to developing and supporting clients in recruitment and talent management processes.
  • Exploring political, economic, social, technological and environmental contexts that shape workforce planning and hiring and talent management decisions.
  • Recruitment and resourcing, attracting and selecting individuals into a job role, considering international perspectives.
  • Identifying, evaluating and formulating perspectives and values relating to professional ethics, social justice, advocacy, equity and inclusion, to develop professional practices which support systems change and challenge bias and discriminatory practices and maximise equality of opportunity in organisations.
  • Developing professional profiles of recruitment and talent management roles.
  • Talent management as an internal career development system, examining the role of talent management and succession planning.
  • Coaching approaches for developing talent within organisations as an internal or external coach.

Summary of teaching

This module is blended learning consisting of 2 days of intensive, attendance-based workshops combined with some independent learning using online peer to peer and tutorial support for developing practice.

Module timing and duration

Usually, this module runs once a year. Participants are allowed 5 months to complete. See Modules and Key Dates.

Summative Assessment

The assignment consists of a 5,000 word project (100%). Participants are usually asked to complete a professional development plan and rationale for a talent management intervention.

Useful Links

Key dates and modules