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Reading list

The reading list for this module is necessarily long and varied as there are potentially many challenges to cover. It makes sense to concentrate on reading relevant to those challenges you have selected for your assignment. I have inserted themed subheadings to make the list easier to use, and so the list is therefore not strictly in Harvard style. Please see the student handbook in the online course space for definitive guidance on this.


Career development theories: introductory texts

Gothard, B. (2001). Career development theory. In B. Gothard, P. Mignot, M. Offer and M. Ruff, Careers Guidance in Context. London: Sage.

Inkson, K. (2007). Understanding Careers: the Metaphors of Working Lives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Sharf, R.S. (2006). Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling (4th Edition). London: Thompson Learning.

Higher Education & Employability

Becher, T. and Trowler, P.R. (2001). Academic Tribes and Territories. Buckingham: Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press.

Browne, N, (2010) Securing a Sustainable Future for Higher Education: An Independent Review of Higher Education Funding & Student Finance ( accessed 8 Feb 2011)

Cranmer, S. (2006) ‘Enhancing graduate employability: best intentions and mixed outcomes’, Studies in Higher Education, 31, ( 2): 169-184.

Foskett, R. and Johnston, B. (2006). Curriculum Development and Career Decision-Making in Higher Education: Credit-Bearing Careers Education (accessed 18 June 2012).

gti media research, (2013) Great expectations: How good are universities at making their students more employable? [accessed 25 January 2013]

Hinchliffe, G. and Jolly, A. (2011) ‘Graduate Identity and Employability’ British Educational Research Journal37, (4): 563-584

Holmes, L. (2001) ‘Reconsidering Graduate Employability: The Graduate Identity Approach’, Quality in Higher Education, 7 (2): 111-119

Moreau, M-P. and Leathwood, C. (2006). Graduates’ employment and the discourse of employability: a critical analysis. Journal of Education and Work, 19 (4): 305-23.

O’Regan, M (2010) 'Challenging Conventional Thinking about ‘career’ in the Higher Education Curriculum' Career Research and Development: the NICEC Journal, 23: 20-24

Pegg, A, Waldock, J, Hendy-Isaac, S & Lawton, R (2012) Pedagogy for Employability. York: Higher Education Academy (accessed 18 June 2012)

Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. (2010). Section 8: Code of Practice for Career Education, Information. Advice and Guidance in Higher Education, (accessed 18 June 2012).

Tomlinson, M. (2012) 'Graduate Employability: A review of Conceptual and Empirical Themes'. Higher Education Policy 25: 407-431

Tomlinson, M. (2007) 'Graduate Employability and Student Attitudes and Orientations to the Labour Market' Journal of Education and Work, 20 (4): 285-304

Watts, A.G. and Butcher, V. (2008). Break-out or Break-up? Implications of Institutional Employability Strategies for the Role and Structure of University Careers Services. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Wilton, N. (2011) The Shifting Sands of Employability CESR Review, Bristol: University of the West of England

Career Service Management

AMOSSHE (2011) Value and Impact Toolkit: Assessing the value and impact of services that support students, London: AMOSSHE

Butler, T. and Dane, M. (Eds.) (2007). AGCAS: Reflections on Change 1967-2007. Sheffield: AGCAS.

Nijjar, A. (2009) Stop and Measure the Roses: How Careers Services Measure their Effectiveness and Success, HECSU, Manchester

Stringer, H. (2012) In defence of university careers services, (accessed 10 September 2012).

Watts, A.G. (1997). NICEC Briefing: Strategic Directions for Higher Education Careers Services. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Wider Perspectives on Career Service Provision

Gatsby Foundation (2014) Good Career Guidance' (accessed 9 March 2015)

NUS (2014) 'When IAG grow up'. (accessed 4 June 2014)

Career Development Learning

Kumar, A. (2007) Personal, Academic and Career Development in Higher Education – SOARing to Success, London & New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis.

McCash, P. (2006) We’re all career researchers now: breaking open careers education and DOTS, British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 34 (4): 429-449.

McCash, P. (2011). Designing a Generic Career Studies Module: a Practical Example. Reading: Centre for Career Management Skills

Savickas, M. (2011) 'Constructing Careers: actor, agent and author' Journal of Employment Counselling, 48: 179-181

Labour market and employers

Brown, P. and Hesketh, A. (2004). The Mismanagement of Talent: Employability and Jobs in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

CIPD (2013) Employers are from Mars, Young People are from Venus: Addressing the young people/jobs mismatch, London: Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

Hackett, L., Shutt, L. and Maclachlan, N. (2012) The Way we’ll work: labour market trends and preparing for the hourglass, London: University Alliance

High Fliers Research Limited, 2013, The Graduate Market in 2013. [acessed 24 January 2013]

Lowden, K., Hall, S., Elliot, D., & Lewin, J. (2011) Employers’ perceptions of the employability skills of new graduates. London: University of Glasgow SCRE Centre and Edge Foundation.

Purcell, K., Elias, P., Atfield, G., Behle, H., Ellison, R., Luchinskaya, D., Snape, J., Conaghan, L. and Tzanakou, C. (2012) Future track stage 4: Transitions into Employment, further study and other outcomes. Full Report. Coventry: Warwick Institute for Employment Research/HECSU

Universities UK and CBI. (2009). Future Fit: Preparing Graduates for the World of Work. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Wilson, T. (2012) A Review of Business-University Collaboration, London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

Management of Change

Adams, J. Hayes, J. & Hopson, B. (1976) Transition - Understanding and Managing Personal Change, London, Martin Robertson.

Heath, C. & Heath, D. (2010) Switch: How to change things when change is hard. London, Random House.

Kubler-Ross, E. & Kessler, D. (2005) On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss. London, Simon and Schuster Ltd

Work Experience

Frigerio, G., Mendez, R. and McCash, P. (2012). Re-designing Work-related Learning: a Management Studies Placement Module. Coventry: Career Studies Unit

NASES/NUS (2013) Students Working While Studying London: NUS

Shaw, S. & Ogilvie, C. (2010) 'Making a virtue out of a necessity: part time work as a site for undergraduate work-based learning" Journal of European Industrial Training, 34 (8) 805-821


Reflective practice and ethics

Argyris, C. and Schon, D. (1974). Theory in Practice: Increasing Professional Effectiveness. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Rogers, C.R. (1994) Freedom to Learn. New York, NY: Macmillan, 8-9, 151-167, 304.

Schon, D. (1983). The Reflective Practitioner: How Professionals Think In Action. New York, NY: Basic Books.


Bimrose, J, Hughes, D & Barnes, S-A (2011) Integrating new technologies into careers practice: Extending the knowledge base, London:UKCES

Hooley, T, Hutchinson, J & Watts, A G (2010) Careering Through the Web: The potential of Web 2.0 and 3.0 technologies for career development and career support services, London:UKCES

Hooley, T. (2012). How the internet changed career: framing the relationship between career development and online technologies. Journal of the National Institute for Career Education and Counselling (NICEC), 29: 3-12.

Larbalestier, M., 2010. The Social Web and Careers Work. Career Research & Development : the NICEC journal, 25(25), pp.4–6.

Longridge, D., Hooley, T. & Staunton, T. (2013). Building Online Employability: A Guide for Academic Departments. Derby: International Centre for Guidance Studies, University of Derby.

Madahar, L. and Offer, M. (2004). Managing E-guidance Interventions within HE Careers Services: a New Approach to Providing Guidance at a Distance (accessed 15 March 2010).

Stewart, K. & Lozinska, J. (2012) The Impact of Social Media on Career Management: A preliminary investigation, University of West London Careers and Employment Service

Widening participation

Clegg, S (2013) ‘Cultural capital and agency: connecting critique and curriculum in higher education’ British Journal of Sociology of Education, 32 (1): 93-108

Frigerio, G (2011) ‘Widening Participation, Employability and Work-Related Learning – What Works’, Paper presented at ASET conference, Leeds Metropolitan University, September 2011 (accessed 25 June 2012)

Frigerio, G & Preston, A. (2011) Widening Participation in Elite Universities and Unpaid Work Experience: reaching the ‘right’ students with employability initiatives In L. Barham, & B. Irving,(2011) (eds) Constructing the Future: Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice, Stourbridge, Institute for Career Guidance

Greenbank, P. and Hepworth, S. (2009). Working Class Students and the Career Decision-making Process: a Qualitative Study. (accessed 18 June 2012)

Millburn, A. (2012) Fair Access to Professional Careers: a Report of the Independent Reviewer on Social Mobility and Child Poverty London: Cabinet Office (accessed 18 June 2012)

Morey, A., Harvey, L., Williams, J., Saldana, A., Mena, P., Watson, S., and MacDonald, M. (2003). Higher Education Careers Services and Diversity. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Pennington, M., Mosley, E. and Sinclair, R. (2013) ‘Graduate Success Project Report: An investigation of graduate transitions, social mobility and the HEAR’ (accessed 25 June 2013)

Quinn, J., Thomas L., Slack, K., Casey, L.,Thexton, W., and Noble, J. (2005). From Life Crisis to Lifelong Learning: Rethinking Working-class ‘Drop Out’ from Higher Education. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Sutton Trust, (2010) Submission to the Independent Review of Higher Education Funding and Student Finance ( (accessed 18 June 2012)

Diversity and internationalisation

AGCAS. (2009). Diversity matters (accessed 18 June 2012).

AGCAS Disabilities Task Group. (2009). What Happens Next? A Report on the First Destinations of 2007 Graduates with Disabilities. (accessed 18 June 2012).

Cappuccini, G., Harvey, L., Williams, J., Bowers-Brown, T., McCaig, C., Sagu, S., and MacDonald, M. (2005). Careers Advisory Services and International Students, (accessed 18 June 2012).


Postgraduates and career development

Bowman, H., Hodkinson, P. and Colley, H. (2005). Employability and Career Progression for Full-time UK Masters Students (accessed 18 June 2012).

Jackson. C. (2007). 'Recruiting PhDs: What works?' (accessed 18 June 2012).

Smith, A. (2010). One Step Beyond: Making the most of postgraduate education. (accessed 18 June 2012)

Vitae (2011) Researcher Development Framework. Cambridge: Vitae (accessed 12.12.11)