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CE956 Use of Self and Coaching Presence

Module leader: Ian Day

Module running in 2022/23

This module provides you with a comprehensive knowledge of the theoretical basis for developing a deep awareness of what is happening within self and for the coachee during a coaching conversation. You will develop a systematic knowledge and comprehensive understanding of ‘coaching presence’ and through self-awareness, develop confident and creative professional practice.

This module takes an andragogical approach, with individual learning at the centre. The module will involve blended learning consisting of intensive all-day workshops plus virtual learning environment including online module private learning material accompanied by webinar and/or tutorial.

Module Aims

To create a deep knowledge of what is happening within self and for the coachee during a coaching conversation.

To help you to explore how you will utilise self-awareness and coaching presence in coaching conversations and relationships.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module, students should be able to:

  • Create a systematic knowledge of theoretical perspectives on the use of self, and what is happening within the coach.
  • Create a critical awareness of own values, beliefs and behaviours and recognise how these impact coaching practice.
  • Critically evaluate theories of coaching presence and how to integrate theory and practice, incorporating self-awareness to deploy a coaching presence that serves the needs of the coachee, and the sponsor, where appropriate.
  • Creatively apply this knowledge and understanding in order to coach with greater fluency and confidence and with an extended repertoire of interventions.
  • Critically appraise ideas from the relevant literature on the use of the coach’s felt experience in coaching conversations and relationships.
  • Deepen self-awareness of identity, how this shapes the coach's presence and work and maximise use of inclusive practices with coachees as appropriate to context. Be self-aware of own personal bias and assumptions and the potential implications for coaching in practice.

Outline Syllabus

This is an indicative module outline only to give an indication of the sort of topics that may be covered. Actual sessions held may differ.

  • Making use of adult learning, self-reflective and reflexivity processes to enhance self-awareness, intuition and coaching practice.
  • Understanding of concept of ‘self’ and ‘coaching presence’ and how to consciously integrate these into coaching practice.
  • Personal values, beliefs and behaviours and how these affect the coaching practice.
  • Use of self-awareness to manage and enhance the coach’s effectiveness.
  • A Gestalt approach - working with what is happening here and now in the coaching room.
  • Coaching postures -balancing authenticity and flexibility.
  • Somatic approaches in coaching.
  • Understanding and application of stage development theories.
  • The inner game of coaching.
  • Working with personal values, beliefs and behaviours; understanding the impact on own coaching practice, and how to work with a coachee to develop self-awareness.
  • Bias and the impact of compromised personal values on coaching effectiveness.
  • Congruence and how the coach easily and freely shares what is so for the coach, role modelling behaviour for the coachee.
  • Understand how this modules links with other course modules.

Summary of teaching

Blended learning consisting of workshops with further materials provided via a virtual learning environment supported tutorial support

Module timing and duration

Usually, this module runs once a year.


The assignment consists of a 5,000-word project (100%).


Useful Links

Key dates and modules