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Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring
Diploma in Coaching
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Professional development:
Coaching skills are invaluable for anyone whose work or wider life involves developing and mentoring other people. It helps us to listen more effectively and ask useful questions.
Our students and alumni work and apply their coaching skills within a wide range of contexts, including education, the NHS, life coaching, business, management, sports, and the arts sector.
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What is Coaching?
At CLL we recognise that each coach will come to their own definition appropriate for them as a coach in their context. Here are some possible definitions:
“Unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them” Sir John Whitmore
"A partnership of equals whose aim is to achieve speedy, increased and sustainable effectiveness through focused learning in every respect of the client’s life. Coaching raises self-awareness and identifies choices." Jenny Rogers
"A method of work related learning that relies primarily on one to one conversations." Erik de Haan
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Student profiles
"The coaching diploma offers a true learning experience, gained through learning about coaching theory and approaches combined with the opportunity to practice what is taught. There is also so much insight and learning from other students on the course. I can't believe how much my coaching skills and confidence have developed." (Esther, former student on the Diploma in Coaching)
Read more student feedback on our student stories page.
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Key dates
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How to find us