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Course overview


The course is designed to develop a community of learning so that all students learn together and from each other. You will work together to support one another's learning, with both experiential and theoretical inputs on coaching skills and practices. You will coach one another, give and receive feedback and learn to reflect on your development, helping you grow your awareness of yourself as a coach or mentor.

Volunteer coaching is an important element in developing coaching skills. From term two onwards you will be encouraged and supported to further develop your coaching by working with volunteer coaches, sharing your experiences with the group.


Pathways available


2020/2021 - planned sessions

Pathway A - Applications are closed

8 sessions in total.
4 sessions on Friday/4 sessions on Saturday 9.30am-4.30pm:

9/10 October, 20/21 November, 22/23 January and 19/20 March

Pathway B - Applications are closed

Pathway C - Applications are closed

8 sessions in total - Fridays 9.30am-4.30pm

15 January, 5 February, 26 February, 26 March, 30 April, 28 May, 18 June and 9 July


Areas of study


Active and deep listening

The GROW model

Effective questions

Agreeing a working alliance

Maintaining Confidentiality

Learning from experience

Directive to Nondirective spectrum

Differences between coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring capabilities

Coaching in various contexts

Metaphor and clean language

The inner game of coaching/addressing self-limiting beliefs

When coaching or mentoring goes wrong

Coaching and mentoring in organisations

Ethics in coaching and mentoring




Summative: 2 x 2,000-word assignments (70%) and observation of coaching practice (30%). Formative: feedback on coaching and mentoring practice with other participants. Review of work with one practice client.




The course fee for 2020/21 is £1400. The first 50% of the course fee (£700) must be made in advance, the final 50% will be requested following enrolment. Please also see additional fee information.


Learning outcomes


By the end of the open studies certificate, you will be able to

- Demonstrate an understanding of a range of ideas, tools and frameworks relevant to coaching and mentoring

- Critically consider some of the key ethical and practical issues in coaching and mentoring (e.g. confidentiality, managing boundaries)

- Develop key coaching skills, such as listening, questioning and playing back

- Understand how the relationship between coach or mentor and client evolves over time

- Set appropriate ground rules and boundaries to support coaching and mentoring relationships

- Explore your personal approach to coaching or mentoring which takes into account the context within which you operate and the needs of the clients you work with

- Communicate ideas in conversation and in writing

- Work effectively with others

- Study independently


Why would I want to use this service?



There is no mandate or requirement to use the service, it is entirely voluntary.

The University is a large complex organisation, and not every idea originator has the time, access or skills necessary to take a raw idea and progress it through the various stakeholder groups. The Innovation Support service can help with that process.


Will you definitely help get my idea launched/accepted?



The Innovation Support service does not guarantee every idea will be implemented – in fact, the majority will not make it through to final implementation.

Most ideas make complete sense when considered in isolation, but often cannot take account of the complexities and practicalities of the full environment. Many ideas cannot overcome the challenges of real-world practicalities.

The Innovation Support service cannot guarantee every idea is accepted or implemented – however it can guarantee that ideas that generate sufficient positive support are fully considered and tested against realities. It will also attempt to develop ideas to overcome any obstacles identified. It cannot guarantee implementation, but it can guarantee full consideration.
