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The following modules ran in 2018/19.

Year 1: Introduction to Person-Centred Counselling
Theories of Counselling and Psychotherapy (45 credits)
Professional and Personal Development - Introduction (45 credits)
Year 2: Development of a Person-Centred Way of Being
Counselling and Psychotherapy: Theory Practice, Personal & Professional Development 1 (30 credits)
Integrating Theory, Practice, Personal Development and Psychotherapy (30 credits)
Placement Practice 1 (15 credits)
Research module (15 credits)
Year 3: Consolidation of Practice and Professional Development
Counselling and Psychotherapy: Theory Practice, Personal and Professional Development 2 (30 credits)
Informing the Person-Centred Approach 1: Post-Rogerian (15 credits)
Cultural and Social Awareness (30 credits)
Placement Practice 2 (15 credits)
Year 4: Growing my Therapeutic Approach
Therapeutic interventions for Mental Health (30 credits)
Research Project (15 credits)
Informing the Person-Centred Approach 2: Creative and Symbolic Approaches (15 credits)
Informing the Person-Centred Approach 3: Complementary Psychotherapeutic Approaches (15 credits)
Placement Practice 3 (15 credits)

*The modules mentioned above may be subject to change. Please read our terms and conditions for more detailed information.

Student Funding

Information about funding your studies as a part-time student can be found here.

Additional Fees

A list of additional fees can be found here.