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Learning in Higher Education

The overall aims and objectives of this project are to improve the learning experience and environment of adults, particularly non-traditional adults, in higher education. The learning needs of adults in higher education is an area that has largely not been addressed.


  • promote lifelong learning in HE within a European dimension
  • raise awareness amongst practitioners and policy makers (institutional and governmental) of the learning needs of adults in HE
  • identify the learning experiences and needs of adult students
  • promote lifelong learning in HE by developing a pedagogy and curriculum which will appeal to those who feel that HE is not for them
  • share good practice at regional and national levels and between countries, especially between institutions and countries which have relatively high numbers of adults students and those who do not
  • promote institutional change
  • increase knowledge in the field on the learning needs and approaches of non-traditional adults in HE
  • identify policy recommendations for EU, national and institutional levels


  • develop, exchange and disseminate innovative approaches and practices to learning and teaching
  • develop strategies for adapting HE systems to the needs of adult learners, in both those institutions at the starting point and those with a relative high number of adults
  • development of guidelines, learning and teaching approaches and strategies through a handbook
  • disseminate outcomes through national workshops, a European conference and publications for policy makers and practitioners
  • produce leaflets on policy recommendations at EU, national and institutional levels
  • establish a website to include the handbook and exchange of information and discussion

The following documents are available as PDF files for downloading:

Handbook ((PDF document) 185KB)

Overview of different National Contexts ((PDF document) 491KB)

Literature Review ((PDF document) 294KB)

These are links to the web pages of some of the partners in the project:

Centre for Extension Studies, University of Turku, Finland

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany

ISEGI, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

CREA, University of Barcelona, Spain

Department of Education, University of Stockholm, Sweden


Cover of LIHE handbook

Please download a copy of the Handbook ((PDF document) 185KB) by clicking on the cover image shown above