Find a supervisor
You can ask any academic from our department to be your supervisor. See our staff pagesLink opens in a new window for more details and to see whose research interestsLink opens in a new window align with yours.
You can also see our general University guidance about finding a supervisor.Link opens in a new window
Research proposals
Students should compose a statement of up to 500 words about their proposed area of study. This should situate a topic within a particular chronological, conceptual or thematic area, and should make specific reference to bodies of theoretical knowledge, texts, or authors which will be studied.
You should also locate the topic within current critical work in this area, perhaps citing a few recent secondary works which have interested, inspired or provoked you. Given the space constraints, we do not require a bibliography or full citations. This is not the place for a personal statement about your past career or future aspirations.
We recognise, of course, that all projects change and evolve during the process of doctoral study, and that it is difficult to define a project in advance of carrying it out. However, it is very important, when assessing applications, for us to have a clear idea of your project and your current thinking.
Candidates are encouraged to contact a potential supervisor and seek their support before submitting their application. You can search for a prospective supervisor on our websiteLink opens in a new window.
In addition to a supervisor or supervisors, accepted students will be assigned a personal tutor (who offers academic and pastoral support) from amongst the academic staff of the Department. Students may have a co-supervisor from within or outside the Department, where appropriate.
Students applying for funding to the Midlands4Cities Open Doctoral Award competition must have two supervisors, with the second supervisor being based either at Warwick or at one of the partner universities.
The Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies at the University of Warwick is a highly regarded research department, with expertise across a broad spectrum of specialisms. We ranked in the top 10 in the UK in the most recent Research Excellence Framework. See our major research groupings on our websiteLink opens in a new window.
Writing sample
The Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies asks all PhD applicants to submit a writing sample alongside their application. Your writing sample would normally be a chapter from your MA dissertation or an essay from your MA coursework or a published article.