Course overview
There is a global need for researchers who are skilled in challenge-led, transdisciplinary methods to help close knowledge gaps around research and practice related to the sustainability of human-environment interactions.
Our Global Sustainable Development MPhil/PhD is for those driven to develop innovative approaches to complex challenges of sustainable development. With the support of a supervisory team, you will work on a transdisciplinary project addressing a sustainability challenge.
Through structured training, you will be equipped to integrate methods and perspectives from different academic and practice fields to address current and future sustainable development challenges. In the first year, you will have the opportunity to undertake postgraduate module(s) and establish a personal development plan in collaboration with your supervisors.
Throughout the programme, you will have the opportunity to gain methods training designed to broaden your research approach. Collectively, this training will prepare you to co-produce transformative, transdisciplinary research projects.
We are excited to welcome students with diverse backgrounds and skills to this programme.
Teaching and learning
Students on this programme will be trained to have competence in a subject area that spans at least two disciplinary perspectives. You will be trained in transdisciplinary methods, enabling you to draw on skills from multiple disciplines to work effectively and equitably with non-academic partners.
In the first year, you will have the opportunity to study postgraduate module(s) in GSD and/or from across the University totalling 20 CATS. You will discuss which module(s) you would like to take with your supervisors in the early stages of your research.
You will also agree a tailored personal development programme with your supervisors for your first year of training. For instance, your development programme may include taking other postgraduate modules from across the University to develop specific skills required for your research.
You may also decide to take researcher development training courses and workshops facilitated by the University’s Doctoral College as part of your development programme.
Research environment
You will join a community of postgraduate students, early career researchers, and academics in GSD and IGSD conducting cutting edge transdisciplinary research on global sustainable development, committed to tackling global challenges and enabling transformative change of human-environment interactions. At Warwick positive research culture is one of our key priorities fostering an inclusive, collegiate and dynamic research environment where all researchers and research enablers can be themselves and thrive to produce the best quality research.
Throughout your degree you will be encouraged to engage actively in research activities by forming reading groups, participating in workshops, masterclasses and guest lectures, and taking part in our annual GSD Symposium.
You will have opportunities to engage with research across the University, including research led by Warwick’s Interdisciplinary Research Spotlights and other cross-cutting research centres across the University, such as the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies (CIM), the Warwick Institute for the Science of Cities (WISC), the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID), and the Centre for Digital Inquiry (CDI).