Core modules
Please note all dates are provisional and will be confirmed later in the timetabling process once you are enrolled on the course.
All modules are 20 credits and delivered via a blend of workshops and virtual learning.
CE9B3-20 Listening, Questioning and Direct Communication:
This module provides you with comprehensive knowledge of the foundation skills and theoretical perspectives required for coaching in a range of contexts. Linked to professional competencies, this module is designed to develop systematic theoretical knowledge, skills in practice, and self-awareness, focusing on three fundamental coaching elements: Active listening, Powerful Questioning, and Direct Communication. The module will also focus on how listening, questioning and direct communication are fundamental to developing the working and learning alliance, and consider the integrated nature of coaching.
CE9A8-20 Establishing Trust and Building Relationship
This module provides you with a comprehensive view of the skills and knowledge required to build and maintain an effective coaching relationship. You will develop detailed theoretical and practical knowledge about integrity, confidentiality, respect, support and challenge while holding the coachee in “unconditional positive regard.”
CE 9B2-20 Ethics and Standards in Coaching
This module provides you with comprehensive knowledge of the ethics and standards required in professional coaching, as well as maintaining high levels of professional practice through supervision and continuing professional development.