Our Centre for Lifelong Learning focuses on enabling adult learners to achieve their personal and professional goals by accessing a Warwick education, irrespective of background.
47 students on the Warwick Gateway to HE: Social Studies over the year (April 2017 and Nov 2017)
192 students on 2+2 Degrees (full-time, offered in conjunction with local colleges)
134 students studying on the Foundation Degree programme
Short course programme attracts over 141 registration over the year
151 students on the Initial Teacher Training programme - FE and Skills Sector
139 students on our Part-Time Degree programme
30 students on our BA Hons top-up degrees
Widening Participation - unlocking talent and fulfilling potential
We're committed to enhancing access to higher education for all those who aspire to study at university, regardless of background, and ensuring that Warwick's student body is representative of local and national communities
Experiential and financial support
The Warwick Scholars Programme and Warwick Taught Master's Scholarship Scheme support undergraduate and postgraduate students from widening participation backgrounds.
Enhanced outreach
We support disadvantaged and talented students to progress to higher education through targeted programmes, summer schools and mentoring.
We work with local authorities, schools and colleges to reach learners who are least likely to enter higher education, including projects supporting looked-after children and Coventry's new IntoUniversity centre.
Raising achievement
We supplement A level provision and teacher CPD through pioneering academic programmes and attainment-raising bootcamps.
Harnessing potential
Two innovative schemes, UniTracks and Sutton Scholars, help highly-able students aged 12-18 achieve their potential and enter the most selective higher education courses and institutions. Our new access programme will support those aiming to study at Warwick.
Access to the professions
We support access to Banking and Finance and Law through two schemes for learners aged 14-18, introducing them to the professions and giving them the opportunity to gain valuable work experience.
We're working with 15 leading universities through the Realising Opportunities programme, to promote fair access and social mobility of students from underrepresented groups.
A Foundation Year pathway preparing students for degree-level study at our world-leading Warwick Business School.