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Branch News

Wish to stay up-to-date about branch news and updates? Follow us on Instagram (@unisonwarwick) and Twitter/X (@UnisonWarwick).

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29 Jan

Two significant wins against precarious work at Warwick

Up-to-date issues and progress regarding the use of zero hour contracts and casual work at University of Warwick.

16 Aug

Response to Racist and Far-right activities across the country

Our guidance and work regarding the impact of ongoing far-right riots and racist ideologies on our members, and the broader campus community.

04 Jun
14 May

Liberation Open Workshops on campus

Sophie Clark, our branch Equality Officer and Warwick SU Vice President for Democracy & Development and the Decolonise Collective is leading to organise the Warwick Liberation ConferenceLink opens in a new window this week. All welcome, so bring your colleagues and friends.

21 Mar

Staff job application & interview skills workshops

Come and join us on Thursday 28 March in the Library Training Room (L2.23) for some one-hour workshops in making job applications or attending interviews. Tutors from UNISON West Midlands are coming to deliver them in-person. All staff are welcome although booking is essential. See full agenda.

01 Mar

Updates from AGM 2024

New Officers and Stewards elected, and two significant motions voted on and passed to support local campaigns to Demilitarise Warwick, and to build a Campus Food Service for All.

06 Feb

7 February: Warwick Day of Action for Palestine

Will you join students and staff to demilitarise Warwick and show solidarity for Palestine?

30 Jan

My story of becoming an activist with a cause

Carl Messenger, our Health and Safety rep, and a long-serving steward in the Library, writes about how he started becoming an activist at Warwick, and how the 80s miners' strike shaped him as a politically engaged, disengaged, and then engaged person.

16 Jan

Update on trade union recognition in wholly-owned companies

Greater power to workers and members now that the University recognise trade unions in Warwick wholly-owned companies.