Postgraduate Colloquium 2015
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Department of Classics and Ancient History Summer Colloquium
‘Communicating Classics’
Wednesday 27th May 2015
The 2015 Department of Classics and Ancient History Summer Colloquium will be held on Wednesday 27th May in the Wolfson Research Exchange. A provisionary timetable for the day can be found and downloaded from the link to the right, along with a provisional look at the abstracts. Note that these are works in progress and changes will occurr before 27th May.
This year's colloquium forms part of the wider Faculty of Arts Postgraduate Research Festival, a week of activities run by CADRE. Details of the events running throughout the week can be found through the previous links. These include a number of specially organized workshops running alongside the postgraduate conferences for the Departments within the Faculty of Arts: English, Modern Languages, History, and Carribean Studies, timetables for which can be reached here.
Part of the idea behind the Research Festival is to encourage awareness of the research being carried out by other disciplines. As such the theme of this year's Classics colloquium is 'Communicating Classics'. Our colloquium will serve as a showcase for the diversity of research presently being carried out in our department.
Not only will we be showcasing research from our current PhD students, but we will also be hosting a talk entitled Monuments and Memory: The Athenian Tyrannicides by Prof. James Davidson, author of Courtesans and Fishcakes, and The Greeks and Greek Love, available at all good bookshops, not just those named after mythological women. His talk will focus on his most recent research and will no doubt give us a glimpse of what we might expect from his upcoming book on Golden Age Athens.
If anyone outside of the dept. wishes to attend the colloquium, please contact Paul Grigsby at so that we can get some idea of numbers. We will be glad to welcome you on the day.
If you have any questions, please email one of this year's organizers. Thank you.
Colloquium Organizers: Marta Barbato, Stephanie Lane, and Paul Grigsby