Katherine Philips
ed. Elizabeth Hageman and Andrea Sununu, The Poems, Plays and Letters of Katherine Philips (OUP; forthcoming)
ed. Patrick Thomas, The Poems: vol I of the Collected Works of Katherine Philips, The Matchless Orinda (Stump Cross, 1992)
Peter Beal, In Praise of Scribes (OUP, 2000)
Carol Barash, English Women’s Poetry, 1649-1714: Politics, Community and Linguistic Authority (OUP, 1997)
Hero Chalmers, Royalist Women Writers 1650-1689 (Oxford, 2004)
Robert C. Evans, ‘Paradox in Poetry and Politics: Katherine Philips in the Interregnum’ in eds. Claude Summers and Ted-Larry Pebworth, The English Civil Wars in the Literary Imagination (University of Missouri Press, 1999), pp. 174-185.
Elizabeth H. Hageman, 'Katherine Philips' in Teaching Tudor and Stuart Women Writers ed. Susanne Woods and Margaret P. Hannay (MLA, 2000)
James Loxley, ‘Unfettered Organs: The polemical voices of Katherine Philips’ in ‘This Double Voice’: Gendered Writing in Early Modern England, eds. Danielle Clarke and Elizabeth Clarke (Macmillan, 2000)
ed. David L. Orvis and Ryan Singh Paul, The Noble Flame of Katherine Philips: A Poetics of Culture, Politics, and Friendship (Duquesne University Press, 2015).