Cross-Gendered Voices:
Appropriating, Resisting, Embracing
One-day Interdisciplinary Conference Saturday May 31, 2008
CAPITAL Centre, University of Warwick
Plenary Speaker: Prof. Marina Warner, University of Essex
Registration and Accommodation
How to Get to the Capital Centre (Milburn House) + Download Campus Map
- Dr Rina Kim will introduce the key concerns raised by the conference title, highlighting Samuel Beckett's use of the female voice.
10.10am PANEL I: Victorianisms & Anxieties of Appropriation
- Madeline Wood, Department of English, University of Warwick, ‘Female Narrative Energy in the Writings of Dead White Males: Dickens, Collins and Freud’
- Dr Bryony Randall, English Literature, University of Glasgow, ‘Women Writing Women Writers’
- Dr Mark Llewellyn, School of English, University of Liverpool, ‘Authenticity, Authority and the Author: The Sugared Voice of the Neo-Victorian Prostitute in The Crimson Petal and the White (2002)’
11.50am PANEL II: Re-Writings of Literary Legacies
- Dr Victoria Moul, Junior Research Fellow, The Queen’s College, Oxford, ‘Speaking Women Speaking Satire: the Ventriloquism of Jonson’s To the World and Its Relationship to Genre’
- Anthea Ingham, Birmingham University, 'The Sistering of Swinburne: Boundary-Crossing in “Itylus”’
- Dr Patricia Novillo-Corvalán, Birkbeck College, University of London, 'Molly Bloom Through the Eyes of Jorge Luis Borges’
1.20pm LUNCH
2.15pm PLENARY SPEECH: Professor Marina Warner, University of Essex
3.30pm PANEL III: Sexual Crossings & Female Authorship
- Sarah Hayden, Departments of English & French, University College Cork, 'What happens when a transvestite gynaecologist usurps the narrator? Why Djuna Barnes mediates the misery and madness of Nightwood through the cross-gendered voice of a male doctor: “the girl that God forgot”’
- Carolyn Broomhead, University of Manchester, 'Gender as Double-Cross in JT Leroy’s Sarah’
- Dr Mafalda Stasi, Professeur associé, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, ‘Just Do It: There’s More to Love than Boy Meets Boy’
5.20pm PANEL IV: Voicing the Gendered Body
- Christine Eyene, Birkbeck College, University of London, ‘Black Female Body: Representation and Ownership in 1990s South African Visual Arts’
- Deborah Mellamphy, Department of English, University College Cork, ‘The Transgressive Other: Gender Monstrosity in Edward Scissorhands and Ed Wood’
- Dr Claire Nally, School of Arts and New Media, University of Hull, ‘Rejecting Footlights: The Phenomenon of the Burlesque Revival in Contemporary Culture’
6.50pm CONFERENCE CLOSE – Dr Claire Westall
The conference programme includes refreshments and a light lunch. As a contribution to costs, a registration fee of £15 for staff and £10 for students will be levied on conference participants.
Deadline for conference registration: Monday May 26, 2008.
Registration and enquires should be addressed to: Dr. Rina Kim ( and/or Claire Westall (
This conference is sponsored by
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies
Routledge, publishers of Women's Writing