Professor Thomas Docherty
Thomas Docherty studied in Glasgow, Paris and Oxford. He graduated with his MA in English and French Language and Literature from Glasgow, where he also studied Mathematics and Philosophy. He then took a DPhil in Oxford.
Research interests
Thomas Docherty has published on most areas of English and comparative literature from the renaissance to the present day. He specialises in the philosophy of literary criticism, in critical theory, and in cultural history in relation primarily to European philosophy and literatures. Recent work has been done on matters of cultural policy related to international higher education. He is working on two new books, one on the University and Globalisation, and a second on Memory. In addition, he has also started to write fiction. You can see some of that work in progress by clicking on 'Tom Docherty's page' above.
Selected publications: Books
Confessions: the Philosophy of Transparency (Bloomsbury 2012) [read this free under Creative Commons, here: Confessions ]
For the University (Bloomsbury 2011) [read this free under Creative Commons, here: For the University ]
The English Question (Sussex Academic 2008): click here for information and to read selected passages: The English Question
Aesthetic Democracy (Stanford UP, 2006): click here for info and selected passages: Aesthetic Democracy
Criticism and Modernity (Oxford UP 1999: click here for info and selected passages:Criticism and Modernity
Alterities(Oxford UP 1996): click here for info and to read: Alterities
After Theory (Routledge 1990; revised expanded 2nd edition Edinburgh UP 1996): click for info: After Theory
Postmodernism(Harvester/Columbia UP 1993): click for info: Postmodernism
On Modern Authority (Harvester-Wheatsheaf 1987)
John Donne, Undone(Methuen/Routledge 1986)
Reading (Absent) Character (Oxford UP, 1983)
Teaching and supervision
Docherty supervises work on all aspects of critical theory, and has a particular interest in taking on doctoral projects involving contemporary French and Italian philosophy or Enlightenment studies. Other areas of interest include: cultural policy, European cinema, Scottish literature and culture, Irish literature, modernism and modernity. At undergraduate level, he teaches across a broad range of literature, from around 1500 to the present day.
In 2012-13, he will teach EN351 Modern and Contemporary Irish and Scottish Literature. He will also give a series of lectures on Modern Criticism and Theory (Tuesdays 5pm, in L5; starting in week 2 (09 October 2012)).
At MA level, he will teach Aesthetics and Modernity 1: the Question Concerning Experience in Term 1, and Aesthetics and Modernity 2: the Question Concerning Violence in Term 2.