Christina Rossetti: Poet of Grace (Oxford University Press, in preparation).
Faithful Reading: Poetry and Christian Practice, with Mark Knight (Bloomsbury, 2015).
Ed., Elizabeth Jennings: The Collected Poems (Carcanet Press, 2012).
The Cambridge Introduction to Wordsworth (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Nineteenth Century Religion and Literature (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century (Writers and their Work, 2006).
Edited volumes
Co-ed. with Tom Burton, Dialect Poems in the Dorset County Chronicle: William Barnes (Edinburgh University Press, in progress)
Ed., Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature (Bloomsbury, 2014).
Co-ed., Nineteenth Century Poetry: Criticism and Debates (Routledge Criticism and Debates Series, 2014).
Co-ed., with D. J. Moores, Susan Wolfson, Adam Potkay, James Pawelski and James Engell, On Human Flourishing: An Anthology of Poetry (McFarland, 2014)
Co-ed., La Questione Romantica: special issue on William Wordsworth (Primavera, 2014)
Ed. 'Nineteenth Century Poetry and Forgiveness', special issue, Literature Compass, 11.2 (2014)
Co-ed., The Oxford Handbook to the Reception History of the Bible (Oxford University Press, 2011).
Co-ed., The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature (Blackwell, 2009).
Co-ed., 'Languages of Emotion', with Isobel Armstrong, Textual Practice, 22.1 (2008).
Co-ed., 'Tractarian Poetry and Poetics', Victorian Poetry, 44:1 (2006).
Book chapters
‘Ecology with religion: rethinking kinship in John Clare’, in Simon Kövesi and Scott McEathron, New Essays on John Clare: Poetics, Culture and Community (Cambridge University Press, 2015).
'Elegy,' in Mark Knight, ed., The Blackwell Companion to Religion and Literature (Blackwell, 2015).
'Emotion', in Jonathan Herapath et al, ed., Nineteenth Century Poetry: Criticism and Debates (Routledge Criticism and Debates Series, 2015).
'Re-thinking Religion and Literature', Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature (Bloomsbury, 2014).
‘Devotional Poetry,’ in Jack Lynch, ed., The Oxford Handbook of British Poetry 1660-1800 (Oxford University Press, 2014).
‘Religion, the Bible and Literature in the Victorian Age,’ Juliet John, ed., The Oxford Handbook to Victorian Literary Culture (Oxford University Press, 2014).
Journal articles
‘Elegiac Neutrality in Barthes’ Mourning Diary’, Textual Practice, 30.2 (2016).
‘Wordsworth's intuition’, La Questione Romantica, special issue on William Wordsworth (Primavera, 2014).
‘Poetry and Ecology’, La Questione Romantica, special issue on William Wordsworth (Primavera, 2014).
‘Grace and metrical movement’: Coleridge and Wordsworth on grace', The Coleridge Bulletin, 41 (2013).
'Exploring forgiveness in nineteenth-century poetry', Literature Compass, 11.2 (2014).
‘Hear my voice: rhythmic forgiveness and Psalm 130’, Victorian Review, 37.2 (2012).
‘Introduction: Tractarian Poets,’ Victorian Poetry, 44:1 (2006), 1-6.
‘Sydney Dobell and "The Church,”’ Victorian Poetry, 42:4 (2004), 537-552.
‘Christina Rossetti and the Doctrine of Reserve,’ Journal of Victorian Culture, 7:2 (2002), 196-219.
‘Emily Brontë and the Enthusiastic Tradition,’ Romanticism on the Net, 25 (February, 2002)