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Professor Emma Mason

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emma dot mason at warwick dot ac dot uk

5.44 Faculty of Arts Building
University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7EQ


Professor of English and Comparative Literary Studies.

Research and teaching: poetry, Christianity and literature, Catholic theology and philosophy, the long nineteenth-century.

BA English Literature; MA Critical and Cultural Theory (University of Cardiff-Wales); PhD English and Comparative Literary Studies (University of Warwick and University of Madison-Wisconsin); British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship (Corpus Christi, Oxford). I served as Head of English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick from 2018-2023; and have convened the Comparative Religions and Literatures group since 2012.


I'm currently writing a study of Catholic mysticism in Europe at the turn of the nineteenth to twentieth centuries. My last book was Christina Rossetti: Poetry, Ecology, Faith (Oxford University Press, 2018); and with Mark Knight, I edit the Bloomsbury monograph series New Directions in Religion and Literature. With Tom Burton, I edited the forthcoming Edinburgh University Press Critical Edition William Barnes' Dialect Poems in the Dorset County Chronicle (2025).

Teaching and supervision

I teach undergraduate and postgraduate modules on poetry, theology, and philosophy; and welcome PhD students with interests in Christian poetry and/or philosophy from the eighteenth century to the present.

Recent & forthcoming publications (full list here)

'The Quiet Life', The Oxford Handbook of William Cowper, ed. Jess Fay and Andrew Hodgson (Oxford University Press, 2026).

'Christian Experience', Dorothy Wordsworth in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2026).

'Second and silent springs: Creation and Ecology in Newman's Novels', John Henry Newman the Educator: Formation, Philosophy, Legacy, ed. Fr. Juan R. VĂ©lez (Gracewing, 2025).

'Ecology', The Cambridge Companion to Religion in Victorian Literary Culture, ed. Mark Knight (Cambridge University Press, 2025).

'Contemplation and Ecology in Nineteenth-Century Catholicism', Inventing the Secular, ed. Erik Tonning (Brill, 2025).

'Religion', The Cambridge Companion to John Clare, ed. Sarah Houghton-Walker (Cambridge University Press, 2024), pp. 183-195.

'Religion, language, nation: William Barnes' Christianity', Victorian Studies, 66. 2 (Winter, 2024), pp. 240–254.

'Reading Christian Experience', Modern Language Quarterly, 83. 4 (2022), 521–537.


I am on study leave until Easter 2026 and checking email only intermittently. You can find contact details for the department online.

Undergraduate modules
  • Problems in Philosophy and Literature
  • Poetry and Emotion
  • What Are Poets For?
  • Romantic and Victorian Poetry
  • Blake and Wordsworth
  • Religion and Literature (in development)
Postgraduate modules
  • Poetry and Poetics
  • Romantic Elegy


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