Christina Rossetti: Poetry, Ecology, Faith (Oxford University Press, 2018).
Ed., Elizabeth Jennings: The Collected Poems (Carcanet Press, 2012).
The Cambridge Introduction to Wordsworth (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
Women Poets of the Nineteenth Century (Liverpool University Press, 2006).
Co-written books
Weird Faith in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Theologies at Work, with Mark Knight (Bloomsbury, in preparation).
Nineteenth Century Religion and Literature, with Mark Knight (Oxford University Press, 2006).
Edited volumes
Ed., Nineteenth Century Literature in Transition: The 1810s (Cambridge University Press, in preparation).
Co-ed. with Tom Burton, Dialect Poems in the Dorset County Chronicle: William Barnes (Edinburgh University Press, 2025).
Co-ed. with Shaul Bassi, 'Environmental Humanities and English Literary Studies: Facing the Crisis of the Imagination', Textus: English Studies in Italy, XXXIV. 3 (September-December, 2021).
Co-ed. The Year's Work in Critical and Cultural Theory (Oxford University Press), vols 25-29, 2017-2021.
Ed., Peter Larkin: Poetry, Phenomenology, Theology, special issue of the Journal of British and Irish Innovative Poetry, 12. 1 (2020).
Co-ed., Nineteenth Century Poetry: Criticism and Debates (Routledge Criticism and Debates Series, 2016). [Reviewed in Forum for Modern Language Studies, 54. 1, 2018]
Ed., Reading the Abrahamic Faiths: Rethinking Religion and Literature (Bloomsbury, 2015).
Ed., 'Nineteenth Century Poetry and Forgiveness', Literature Compass, 11.2 (2014)
Co-ed., The Oxford Handbook to the Reception History of the Bible (Oxford University Press, 2011).
Co-ed., The Blackwell Companion to the Bible in English Literature (Blackwell, 2009).
Co-ed., 'Languages of Emotion', with Isobel Armstrong, Textual Practice, 22.1 (2008).
Co-ed., 'Tractarian Poetry and Poetics', Victorian Poetry, 44:1 (2006).
Book chapters
'The Quiet Life', The Oxford Handbook of William Cowper, ed. Jess Fay and Andrew Hodgson (Oxford University Press, 2026).
'Christian Experience', Dorothy Wordsworth in Context (Cambridge University Press, 2026).
'Second and silent springs: Creation and Ecology in Newman's Novels', John Henry Newman the Educator: Formation, Philosophy, Legacy, ed. Fr. Juan R. Vélez (Gracewing, 2025).
'Ecology', The Cambridge Companion to Religion in Victorian Literary Culture, ed. Mark Knight (Cambridge University Press, 2025).
'Contemplation and Ecology in Nineteenth-Century Catholicism', Inventing the Secular, ed. Erik Tonning (Brill, 2025).
'Religion', The Cambridge Companion to John Clare, ed. Sarah Houghton-Walker (Cambridge University Press, 2024), pp. 183-195.
'Weakness and Wildness in Wordsworth's "The Brothers"', in Markus Poetzsch and Cassandra Falke, ed., Wild Romanticism (Routledge, 2021), pp. 15-27; also selected for inclusion in Routledge Historical Resources: Romanticism.
'Poetry', in Timothy Larsen, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Christmas (Oxford University Press, 2020).
'Praying kin: Christina Rossetti and the Unity of Things', in Jo Carruthers, Nour Dakkak, Rebecca Spence, ed., Anticipatory Materialisms in Literature and Philosophy, 1790-1930 (Palgrave, 2020).
'Considering the Lilies: Christina Rossetti's ecological Jesus', in Elizabeth Ludlow, ed., The Figure of Christ in the Nineteenth Century (Palgrave, 2020).
Journal articles
'Religion, language, nation: William Barnes' Christianity', Victorian Studies, 66. 2 (Winter, 2024), 240–254.
'Reading Christian Experience', Modern Language Quarterly, 83. 4 (2022), 521–537.
'Tree Being in Peter Larkin's "Skies in Flight of Tree"', Études Anglaises: revue de monde anglophone, 74. 1 (2021), 68–81.
'"How do you not be sad?" Sadness and Communication in BoJack Horseman', Post45, ed. Jack Belloli and Pamela Thurschwell (2020).
'Rossetti's Weak Apocalypse', The Ruskin Review, 14. 2 (2020), 86–99.
'Entanglement in fir: thinking matter in Peter Larkin’s “praying // firs \\ attenuate”, in Religions, 9. 1 (2018).
‘Punctive grace: reading religion in Barthes’ Mourning Diary’, Textual Practice, 30.2 (2016), 327-343; republished in, Neil Badmington, ed., Deliberations: The Journals of Roland Barthes (Routledge, 2017).
'"All green things": Christina Rossetti's Franciscan ecology', Studium, 4 (2016), pp. 530-557.
'Reading "Howl": Peaceful Dissent at Warwick University', Lacuna Magazine, March 9, 2016.
'Exploring forgiveness in nineteenth-century poetry', Literature Compass, 11.2 (2014), 61-73.
‘Grace and metrical movement’: Coleridge and Wordsworth on grace', The Coleridge Bulletin, 41 (2013), 29-45.
‘Hear my Voice: Rhythmic Forgiveness and Psalm 130’, Victorian Review, 37.2 (2012).
‘Feeling Dickensian Feeling,’ 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century, 4 (2007), 1-19; reprinted in Short Story Criticism: A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens (Gale/Cengage, 2022).
‘Introduction: Tractarian Poets,’ Victorian Poetry, 44:1 (2006), 1-6.
‘Sydney Dobell and "The Church,”’ Victorian Poetry, 42:4 (2004), 537-552.
‘Christina Rossetti and the Doctrine of Reserve,’ Journal of Victorian Culture, 7:2 (2002), 196-219.
‘Emily Brontë and the Enthusiastic Tradition,’ Romanticism on the Net, 25 (February, 2002).