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Monograph: Error in Shakespeare: Shakespeare in Error, in preparation

Blog: Swisspeare - a blog about Swiss research and events on Shakespeare and early modern literature

Review: 'How Can a Book Tell its Own Story?' in response to Emma Smith, Shakespeare's First Folio (Oxford University Press, 2016), forthcoming in Cambridge Quarterly

Article: 'Metaphor as Error in Midsummer Night's Dream ' under review with Early Modern Literary Studies

Article: '"Enfranchised" Language in Henry V and The Dutch Courtesan', Cahiers Élisabéthains Vol 84, Autumn 2013, pp.1-11

Article: '"Enfranchised" Language in Mulcaster's Elementarie and Shakespeare's Henry V', Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, Vol. 25, 2012, pp.127-35 (peer-reviewed)

Article: 'Assuming Gender in Hamlet and Troilus and Cressida: "Are we to assume that there were women in the audience?"' Alice Leonard and Johann Gregory, Assuming Gender, Vol. 1, Issue 2, Autumn 2010 , (peer-reviewed)

Review: Katharine A. Craik and Tanya Pollard eds., Shakespearean Sensations: Experiencing Literature in Early Modern England, in Review of English Studies, first published online September 23, 2013

Review: Graham Holderness, Nine Lives of William Shakespeare, in Cahiers Élisabéthains, Vol 81, Spring 2012, p.85

Permanent contributor to the Routledge Annotated Bibliography of English Studies (ABES) reviewer of books and articles on the Renaissance and early modern literature, 2010-2013. For example,

Review: David Coleman, John Webster: Renaissance Dramatist (Edinburgh University Press, 2010)

Review: Paul A. Kottman, Tragic Conditions in Shakespeare (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)