Research Activities
Selected Presentations
'Try This At Home: Housing and Identity in Nineteenth-Century London'. Paper presented at the Institute of Historical Research's Winter Conference, 'Home: New Histories of Living', February 2018.
'Housing Crisis: Home and Identity in Nineteenth-Century London'. Paper presented at the Metropolitan History Seminar, Institutue of Historical Studies, Senate House, London, February 2018.
‘So-Called Villas’ and ‘Dreadful Jerry-Built Houses’: The Nightmare of Speculative Building in Richard Marsh’s The Beetle. Paper presented at the Literary London Society Conference, Fantastic London: Dream, Speculation and Nightmare, Institute of English Studies, London, UK, July 2017.
'Philosophy and Misogyny: Amy Levy versus Arthur Schopenhauer'. Paper presented at the Third Annual International Centre for Victorian Women Writers Conference: Reassessing Women's Writing of the 1880s and 1890s, Canterbury Christ Church University, Canterbury, UK July 2016.
'"Sexless, Safe Philosophers": Memory and Distance in the Work of Amy Levy'. Paper for the panel 'All My Blood Was Flame: Amy Levy's London Passion' at the Literary London Society Conference, London in Love, Institute of English Studies, London, UK, July 2015.
'Material Ideologies and Domestic Architecture in Nineteenth-Century London'. Paper presented at the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Conference, Material Worlds / Material Cultures, Boston, USA, March 2015.
'"Women are not Children": the Mistake of Ages in Designs for Women's Housing'. Paper presented at the Literary London Society Conference, Ages of London, Institute of English Studies, London, UK July 2014.
'Dwellings and Chambers and Flats - Oh My!' New Urban Housing in Nineteenth-Century London. Paper presented at the London Nineteenth-Century Studies Post-Graduate Conference, Senate House, London, UK April 2014.
'"The Ideal Method of Living": Urban Housing for Working Women'. Paper presented at the Nineteenth-Century Studies Association Conference, Urbanism and Urbanity, Chicago, USA, March 2014.
'A Domestic Plot: The Literature and Architecture of Early Women's Colleges'. Paper presented at the Birkbeck Space Group, London, UK November 2013.
'Purpose-Built Housing for London's Working Women'. Paper presented at the Histories of the Home Post-Graduate Symposium, Geffrye Museum, London, UK, October 2013.
'Illuminating Model Dwellings with Ruskin's The Seven Lamps of Architecture'. Paper presented at the British Association for Victorian Studies Conference, Nineteenth-Century Numbers, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, August 2013.
'Writing Home: What Victorian Novels can Teach us about London's Housing Crisis'. Paper presented at the Literary London Society Conference, London in Crisis and Disorder, Institute of English Studies, London, UK July 2013.
'Laid Flat: Ikea's Actual and Representational Spaces'. Paper presented at Space: from Theory to Practice Symposium, Birkbeck, University of London, UK, November 2012. With Jean-Francois Goyette.
'A Roof Over her Head; Or, the Everyday Attic in Women's Urban Fiction'. Paper presented at Narrating Space: Reading Urbanity, Hamburg University, Germany, September 2012.
'Athletics as Activism: Negotiating Spatial Hierarchies through Sport at Westfield College, London, 1883 – 1914'. Paper presented at Literary London Society Conference, Sport, Games and Pastimes, Institute of English Studies, London, UK, July 2012. Nominated for the Presidents' Prize.
'City Limits: Navigating Women's Urban Naturalism, 1880 – 1920'. Seminar given at the Media, English and Culture Research Seminar at the University of Northampton, UK May 2012.
'Seduction and the Seaside: Ambulatory Romance and Capital in Julia Frankau's Baccarat'. Paper presented at Moving Dangerously: Women and Travel, 1850 -1950, Newcastle University, UK, April 2012.