Conferences and Seminars
This page lists conferences attended along with titles of papers presented, and talks on social/digital media.
For events I've organised see here.
Abstracts of papers presented are listed here.
Talks on digital/social media:
Embracing Digital Tools as an Academic panel, University of Warwick, 17th May 2012.
Social Networking and New Media panel at "TV, Research and Bond Villains: Making an Impact with your Research", University of Warwick 21st May 2012.
- Transforming Objects, University of Northumbria, 28-29th May 2012. Invited discussant on a panel about single- and multi-author blogging.
Academic conferences:
- [forthcoming] Dickens Day 2012; Institute of English Studies, 13th October 2012. Paper: "Dickens 2012 and Literary Tourism."
- Dickens and the Visual Imagination; University of Surrey, 9-10th July 2012.
- "Victorian Things Revisited", Midlands Interdisciplinary Victorian Studies Seminar, 29th June 2012. Paper: "What Connection can there be?' Objects, People and Place in Henry Mayhew's 1851: or, the Adventures of Mr and Mrs Sandboys".
- Transforming Objects, University of Northumbria, 28-29th May 2012. Chaired panel on "Travelling Objects and the Creation of Nation."
- "Unplanned Wildernesses: Narrating the British Slum 1844-1951"; University of Warwick, 19th May 2012. Chaired panel "Slum Geographies".
- Spaces of Work, 1770-1830; University of Warwick, 28th April 2012.
- Charles Dickens and the mid-Victorian Press; University of Buckingham, 28-31st March 2012.
- Dickens's World online conference, March 2012. Invited respondent.
- Dickens Day 2011; Institute of English Studies, 15th October 2011. Paper "'A moving and a moving on': Mobility, Space and the Nation in Dickens's Bleak House'"
- Composition and Decomposition; BAVS Annual Conference, University of Birmingham, 1st-3rd September 2011. Paper: "'A perambulating mass of woollen goods’: Bodily composition in mid-nineteenth century railway representation"
- Travel in the Nineteenth Century: Narratives, Histories and Collections; University of Lincoln, 11th-13th July 2011. Paper: "'The Formation of a Surface': Travelling Bodies in Dickens's Little Dorrit'"
- Modes of Transport: Travel Writing and Form, 1780-1914; Kings College London, May 2011.
- Romantic Walking: Representation and Experience; University of Warwick, May 2011.
- Picturing Women's Health 1750-1910; University of Warwick, January 2011. Chaired Panel.
- 18th and 19th Century British Women Writers Conference; Texas A&M University, April 2010. Paper: "'Wandering out into the World': Women Walking in the mid-Victorian Novel". Award: BWWC Graduate Student Travel Scholarship.
- Envisioning Community: Space, Place and Translating the Past in 19th and 20th Century Britain; University of Warwick, January 2010.
- Literary London 2009; Queen Mary, University of London, July 2009. Paper: "Traversing the City: Embodied Transit Spaces in Charlotte Bronte's Villette".
- Victorian Feeling: Touch, Bodies, Emotions; BAVS Annual Conference, University of Leicester, September 2008. Paper: "Embodying the City in the Victorian Novel: 'the heart of city life' in Charlotte Bronte's Villette".
- The Novel and Its Borders; University of Aberdeen, July 2008. Paper: "'Everything Dissolving into Cloud': The Space of the Journey in Dickens' Little Dorrit".
- Cross-Gendered Voices: Appropriating, Resisting, Embracing; University of Warwick, May 2008.
- Fashioning Gender: Contexts and Approaches; University of Warwick, May 2008.
- Street Life: Victorian Culture at the Crossroads; Kings College London, May 2008.
- Debating the Difference: Gender, Representation and Self-Representation. University of Dundee, September 2007. Paper: "The Re-mythologising Body in Angela Carter's The Passion of New Eve".
- Wanted, Dead or Alive: Positioning Contemporary Women's Writing. The Inaugural Conference of the Postgraduate Contemporary Women's Writing Network; June 2007, University of Warwick.
- Victorian Studies: Pasts and Futures. A one-day conference to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Victorian Studies Centre at the University of Leicester; March 2007, University of Leicester.
Seminar Presentations
June 2009; English Department 5th Annual Symposium, "Traversing the City: Embodied Transit Spaces in Charlotte Bronte's Villette" (draft version).
May 2008; English Department 4th Annual Symposium, "'Everything Dissolving into Cloud': The Space of the Journey in Dickens' Little Dorrit" (revised version)
April 2008; Arts Faculty Postgraduate Seminar, "'Everything Dissolving into Cloud': The Space of the Journey in Dickens' Little Dorrit" (draft version)
Other Seminars attended
- London Nineteenth-Century Studies Seminars, University of London Institute of English Studies
- The Arts Faculty Postgraduate Seminar Series
- Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies Annual Postgraduate Symposium
- Centre for the Study of Women and Gender Graduate Seminar Series
- Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies Staff Research Seminar Series.
- The Long 18th Century Reading Group
- History of Art Seminar Series
Coming up:
- Dickens Day 2012, Institute of English Studies
Past Events
- Read about Blogging Roundtable on the JVC Online blog
- Watch "Embracing Digital Tools as an Academic" panel
- Read about conferences on my research blog