Forthcoming (summer 2012): "'A perambulating mass of woollen goods': Bodies in Transit in the mid-nineteenth century Railway Journey" in the edited collection Transport in British Fiction 1840-1940.
Forthcoming (winter 2012). “‘What Connection can there be?’: Mobility, Space and the Nation in Charles Dickens’s Bleak House.” English, special issue on Dickens and Travel.
Forthcoming (2012/13). “‘The Formation of a Surface’: Europe in Charles Dickens's Little Dorrit.” Chapter in Travel in the 19th Century, ed. Dr Kate Hill, Dr Claudia Capancioni and Dr Laurie Garrison.
[Review] “Eaton Stannard Barrett’s The Heroine, Mrs Costello’s The Soldier’s Orphan: A Tale, and Sarah Green’s, Romance Readers and Romance Writers. BARS Bulletin & Review (39, December 2011): 22-23.
Work in progress
Rural Geographies of Gender and Space, Britain 1840-1920, ed. Gemma Goodman and Charlotte Mathieson.
Moving On: Mobility, Nation and Space in the English Novel, 1845-65; in preparation.