Curriculum Vitae
My thesis, “Influence and Authority in Mary Wroth’s Pamphilia to Amphilanthus” is an AHRC- funded project which considers the authorities, both ancient and contemporary, drawn upon in Wroth’s sonnet sequence (published in 1621). This thesis examines the ways in which Wroth’s references the poetic authorities of Roman poets such as Ovid and Horace, alongside the work of her contemporaries, and her self-identification as a Sidney author situates her work in its political context.
- MA with Distinction in English Literature from the University of Warwick.
- BA First Class in English Literature from the University of Warwick.
Prizes and Publications
- My PhD research has been fully funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council.
- The Humanities Research Council funded my attendance of the Renaissance Society of America annual conference 2016 in Boston MA.
- I have been awarded the 2016 South Central Renissance Conference Graduate Student Travel Fellowship for my essay “The Poet Queen: Elizabethan Nostalgia in Wroth’s Urania”.
- “Hal/Falstaff: The Double Life of Academia: A Conversation with Paul Prescott,” Figure/Ground, February 1st 2013, < co-authored with Alexandra Campbell, was published in an online interdisciplinary journal, Figure/Ground.
- I was co-organiser of the Sidelights on Shakespeare series, an interdisciplinary lecture and seminar series that looks at Shakespeare studies from unexpected angles, from October 2014 to July 2016.
- I have given papers at several conferences, including the British Shakespeare Association's annual conference 2014 in Stirling, and the Reading Early Modern Studies conference in 2015, the Renaissance Society of America in Boston 2016, the South Central Renaissance Conference 2016, and the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo in 2016.
- In 2014 I co-organised an afternoon conference to celebrate the launch of Alice Eardley's edition of Poems, Emblems, and The Unfortunate Florinda, by Lady Hester Pulter
- I have given a workshop and a lecture and sat on a Q&A panel alongside historian David Starkey at Clayesmore School's Literature and Lunch.
Teaching Experience
- 2014 – 2016 – I have taught undergraduate students on the module The Seventeenth Century: The First Age of Modern Literature. I have also given lectures on Mary Wroth, Ben Jonson, Agnes Beaumont (non-conformist spiritual autobiography), and on all the dramatic texts in this module.
- 2014 – 2016 – I was tutor for a Workers Education Association adult learning literature class.
- 2010 – 2011 – After taking a year-long maternity cover post as an English Teacher teaching ages 13 – 18, I have continued to give regular workshops for secondary school aged students. I specialise in Shakespeare workshops.