Academic Publications
- Review of The Encyclopaedia of Romantic Literature vols I-III, general ed. Frederick Burwick (Wiley-Blackwell, 2012) for the British Association for Romantic Studies Bulletin (issue 41, December 2012)
- 'The Gothic Landscape of Conceptual Gaming: Quests for Meaning in the “Tale of Tales” Games', New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass
, eds Dr Lorna Piatti-Farnell and Prof. Donna Lee Brien (May 2015, Routledge)
Creative Writing
- 'Auto-Poltergeist'; poem (Doll Hospital Journal
, issue 2)
- 'To My Mother'; poem (Junoesq
, issue 5)
- 'Please. No Tourism. Only Prayer', 'Colours Bleeding Through', 'The Left and the Right', 'Hurried Exchange'; poems (Eunoia Review
, October 2013)
- 'Sanctuary'; flash fiction (Danse Macabre
, issue 48)
- Shelter; poem (Subliminal Interiors
, July 2011 issue)
- various haikus (Haiku Journal
; issues 2, 5 and 7)
- 'Compromised'; poem (The Found Poetry Review
, volume 4, Spring/Summer 2012)
- Ești doar o stea; Romanian poetry collection (Bucharest: Pro Transilvania, 2003)
- Ego, Maria, votum posui; Romanian/English poetry collection (Bucharest: Pro Transilvania, 2005)
- Unde mor îngerii; Romanian poetry collection (Bucharest: Pro Transilvania, 2008)