Dr Nazry Bahrawi
Postsecular intimations in the fiction of Graham Greene and Naguib Mahfouz
PhD 2013 - Supervisor: Prof Susan Bassnett
I teach humanities to budding technocrats as a lecturer at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, the republic's fourth university established in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I also hold a joint appointment as research fellow at the Middle East Institute-National University of Singapore. My doctoral studies at Warwick English had been integral to preparing me for postgraduate work. First, the department's eclectic mix of credible scholars whose research interests span across several emerging fields (literature and theology, translation studies, and world literature) makes for a unique educational experience. Despite their academic renown, faculty members are approachable – as are the department's administrative staffs. Second, I have also benefitted from the highly energetic and supportive postgraduate community at the department, leading a group of us to establish the Theology Reading Group, a collective that is still active today. Independent study at Warwick English is never a lonely experience. It is one where you can grow intellectually by engaging and sometimes disagreeing with your peers. It is one where being left alone also means being resourceful and innovative. This set of skills that I have acquired are useful to me not just as an academic, but also as a cultural commentator in the Singapore media.