Here is a list of conferences that I plan to attend, as well as those at which I hope to deliver a paper. My past conference papers are also listed below.
Future Conferences
- Nothing planned yet!
Future Papers
- Nothing planned yet!
Past Papers
- 30 October 2015, 'Ruined: the Country Girl and the Virgin Queen', Biopolitical Ireland, King's College London.
- 27-28 February 2015, 'Queen Elizabeth I and Edna O'Brien: Biopolitics Through the Ages', Irish Adaptations, Aberdeen University.
- 14-18 July 2014, ‘“strange pain, strange sin”: the body and its economy in Samuel Beckett, Edna O’Brien and William Shakespeare’, IASIL 2014 Annual Conference, Université Charles de Gaulle-Lille 3.
- 3-6 July, 2014, untitled paper on Samuel Beckett and Shakespeare, British Shakespeare Association Annual Conference, University of Stirling.
- 9-10 November, 2013, ‘“[S]omeone wholly other”: Banville’s double-inheritance in Ghosts, from Hamlet and Joyce’s Bloom’, John Banville and His Precursors, University of York.
- 22-26 July 2013, ‘The Irish for “Let them hang”: from Carson’s Belfast to Coriolanus’s Rome’, Urban Cultures, IASIL Annual Conference, Queen’s University, Belfast.
- 15-16 March 2013, '"[L]ike a shoal of fish moving within a net": endo- and exogeny, or father- and brotherhood in the family Amongst Women', A Way of Seeing: 50 Years of McGahern in Print, Queen's University, Belfast.
- 21 November 2012, '"[R]emember me": Leopold Bloom's spectral and Hamletic hangover in Joyce's 'Hades'', Arts Faculty Seminar Series, University of Warwick
- 30 March 2012, '"This prison where I live": Ireland takes centre stage-space', Space on the Elizabethan Stage, 1576-1599, University of Leeds.
- 11 May 2011, '"N****r this! N****r that!": Judith Butler’s citational language in post-Civil Rights filmic representations of blackness', Postgraduate American Studies Conference: Race, Film and Cultural Politics, The University of Manchester.
Past Conferences
- 8 March 2014, ‘Devouring: Food, Drink and the Written Word, 1800-1945’, University of Warwick.
- 7-13 July 2013, James Joyce Annual Summer School
, Dublin.
- 23 February 2013, Ireland/London, Writing and the Arts, Centre for Irish Studies, St Mary's University College and Leeds Metropolitan University (held at the Irish Cultural Centre, Hammersmith).
- 16-17 November 2012, Space: From Theory to Practice Symposium, Birkbeck, University of London.
Contact Me
Office hour:
Thursday, 11 am-12 noon
n dot j dot s dot collins at warwick dot ac dot uk
Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies
University of Warwick
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