Sexuality and Gender Pathway
This pathway allows students to focus their MA degree on the theories, literatures and cultural analyses of gender and sexuality across a range of geographical locations, historical periods and genres.
Structure of the Degree
There are three options open to students who choose to follow this pathway:
1) Foundation Module and Feminist Literary Theory, plus at least one module from the Optional Core Modules listed below, plus at least two modules from among those on offer in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, the Department of Philosophy, or the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender.
2) Foundation Module and Feminist Literary Theory, plus the two modules listed under Optional Core Modules below, and a dissertation on an approved topic in the field.
3) Foundation Module and Feminisit Literary Theory, plus at least one module from the Optional Core Modules listed below, plust at least one module from among those on offer in the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies, the Department of Philosophy, or the Centre for the Study of Women and Gender, plus a dissertation on an approved topic in the field.
Core Module
EN913 Feminist Literary Theory
Sexuality and Gender: Optional Core Modules
EN903 Literature of the American Southwest
EN918 Psychoanalysis and Cultural Production
EN927 Condition of England:Perceptions in Victorian Literature
EN928 Poetics of Urban Modernism
EN958 Shakespeare and his Sister
EN959 Modernism and Psychoanalysis
Other Options (Indicative)
EN904 Problems and Modes in Postcolonial Literature
EN953 Rhetoric and Renaissance Literature
EN936 Rivalries and Couplings in Romantic Literature
EN940 Travel, Literature, Anglo-empires
For a list of all the modules that the Department of English and Comparative Literary Studies offers, click here.
For options offered by the Department of Philosophy, click here.
For options offered by the Centre for the study of Women and Gender, click here.