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Living a Good Life in Older Age

A two-day symposium at the University of Warwick

5th - 6th July 2018
Milburn House

Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, SAMKUL programme and the University of Warwick.

The symposium aims to go beyond the current prescriptive models of 'successful ageing' and 'active ageing', contributing to the development of a more nuanced conception of fulfilment, justice, contentment and wellbeing in older age. Without neglecting the biological and social aspects of late life, it will seek out a more historically sensitive, critical and values-based model of ageing, considering subjective as well as objective perspectives. To this end, we will build on the work done in European and Anglo-American philosophy on self-realization, agency, rights and values. The event will think about coming to terms with loss, illness, and dementia, as well as celebrating the particular creative and emotional resources of later life.

List of Speakers:

Professor Jan Baars, University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht
Dr Elizabeth Barry, University of Warwick
Professor Kimberley Brownlee, University of Warwick
Dr Lucy Burke, Manchester Metropolitan University
Dr Rasmus Dyring, Aarhus University
Professor Bernt Engelsen, University of Bergen
Dr Sarah Falcus, University of Huddersfield
Professor Marlene Goldman, University of Toronto
Dr Lone Grøn, VIVE: Danish Centre of Social Science Research
Dr Margaret Morganroth Gullette, Brandeis University
Dr Erik R. Hauge, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen
Professor Lillian Jorunn Helle, University of Bergen
Professor Julian C. Hughes, University of Bristol
Dr Rina Kim, University of Auckland
Solveig Helene Lygren, University of Bergen
Professor Mireille Naturel, University of Sorbonne-nouvelle, Paris III
Professor Inger Hilde Nordhus, University of Bergen
Dr Kellie Payne, Campaign to End Loneliness
Dr Joanna Preston, St George’s Hospital, London (MDTea Podcast presenter)
Professor George Rousseau, University of Oxford
Dr Margery Vibe Skagen, University of Bergen
Gunn Inger Sture, University of Bergen
Dr Peter Svare Valeur, University of Bergen

Please find the conference programme here.

Meanwhile, you can also find the speakers' biographies, as well as a list of abstracts, here.

Video podcasts for almost all of the talks, a 'trailer' giving an overview of the event, and a special interview with the founder of age studies, Margaret Morganroth Gullette, can be found on our YouTube playlist here: Living a Good Life in Older Age

The symposium is funded by the Norwegian Research Council, SAMKUL programme, as part of the project Historicizing the Ageing Self, directed by Margery Vibe Skagen at the University of Bergen.

The event is organized by project partner Elizabeth Barry from the University of Warwick.

Attendance is free but registration is necessary and places are limited.
To register and for all enquiries, please contact Elizabeth on e dot c dot barry at warwick dot ac dot uk before June 18th 2018.

For information on how best to travel to the University of Warwick, please follow this link. On directions to Milburn house specifically, please click here. You can also find suggestions on accomodation here.

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Seneca as Libyan SybilMargaret Morganroth Gullette's Goddess of age and age studies.
Copyright: WikiMedia. With homage to Michelangelo Buonarroti; hair color by Lora. Brody; skin tone by Fran Forman; concept by Margaret M. Gullette.