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History Head Start - Option 3

This article was chosen by a member of our Warwick History department, Dr Guido van MeersbergenLink opens in a new window. Guido researches and teaches about early modern global encounters, focussing on cross-cultural trade and diplomacy in the Indian Ocean world, with a particular interest in the activities of the European East India Companies in the Mughal Empire. Guido's first book, Ethnography and Encounter: The Dutch and English in Seventeenth-Century South AsiaLink opens in a new window maps the role of ethnographic ideas and assumptions in the management and operations of the Dutch and English East India Companies.

This article and related questions are asking important questions about how we think about approaching 'doing' history.


John-Paul A. Ghobrial - 'Seeing the World like a Microhistorian'Link opens in a new window

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  1. What is 'global history'?
  2. What are some of the criticisms against global history?
  3. What is 'microhistory'?
  4. What are the benefits of linking up the two approaches of 'global history' and 'microhistory'?
  5. What are some of the difficulties of linking up these two approaches?
  6. Which approach to studying history do you find most compelling, and why?
  7. Do you have any criticisms of this article?

General Information:

Remember: academic journal articles can be difficult and complicated pieces of writing, It may take some time to read through and don’t be surprised if you need to have a few goes at it. This is normal!

To help you, use the list of questions to guide your thinking as you read the article. You should be thinking about what has been written, to assess for yourself whether it makes sense, whether it is backed up with supporting evidence, and whether you agree with it.

Tips for Reading
History Articles: