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Week 23 - Revision and Final Meeting

Final essays are due at the beginning of seminar for all groups.

Well, we've come to the end of the course.

This is our last meeting as a group, although we will all meet again individually at the essay surgeries to be held the week of the MMW exam (I will email you all in the next couple of weeks about that).

I will be around for the duration of the examination period, so please do keep in touch if you have any specific course questions that crop up as a result of your exam revision.

On that topic, for this week's seminar to be helpful to you, please come with questions about the course -- is there anything you don't understand? And issues that you'd like to have clarified? Any elements you just want to discuss in more detail? Remember, I don't know what need more help with so unless you speak up there isn't much I can do to assist. Let's make this a good final discussion, and hopefully one that will be helpful for you.