Shreya Khaund
Research Title: Mapping Fossil Colonialism in Asia, c. 1810–1914
I am an AHRC-funded Collaborative Doctoral Partnership PhD researcher with the Department of History at the University of Warwick and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG), London. My research explores the history of coal mining industries in the British empire, focusing on how fossil fuel resources were understood, extracted, and managed in the Northeast frontier regions of India and the uplands of Southeast Asia between 1810 and 1914.
By integrating environmental history and new imperial history approaches, I examine the social, ecological, and scientific dimensions of energy systems. My work draws on various scientific tools—including maps, surveys, and visual materials—to investigate the multi-scalar developments of colonial mining industries and their lasting impacts.
University of Warwick: Dr Thomas Simpson; Dr James Poskett
Royal Geographical Society (with IBG): Dr Sarah Evans and Dr Catherine Souch