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Latin America: Themes and Problems (HI115)

Latin America Module Convenor:

Dr Camillia Cowling


1hr Lecture each week Thursdays 13:00-14:00




1hr Seminar each week with Dr Camillia Cowling or Dr Rosie Doyle


Seminar groups:

Group 1: Dr Camillia Cowling: 2-3 Thursdays, H.244 [Humanities Building]

Group 2: Dr Rosie Doyle, Fridays 9-10, FAB 4.80

Group 3: Dr Rosie Doyle, Fridays 10-11, FAB 2.34

Group 4: Dr Rosie Doyle, Fridays 1-2, FAB 1.12

This 30 CATS team-taught undergraduate first-year module draws on the expertise of several historians of Latin America. It offers a wide-ranging overview of themes and problems in Latin America’s social, political and cultural history. The module begins with the first meetings of Iberians, American peoples and Africans at the end of the fifteenth century, and ends by exploring the vibrant new social movements that helped shape democratic transitions, the left turn known as the "Pink Tide," and the recent resurgence of the right.The first term focuses on patterns of Spanish and Portuguese colonisation, construction of colonial societies, and contrasting independence processes; the second and third terms turn to the social, political, and economic problems of nation-state-building after independence. Along the way, a number of themes stand out: tension between elite projects and popular actions; the problems of political violence and democratic inclusion; Latin America’s revolutionary tradition; the quest for national identity; tensions and positionings over race, religion, gender and indigeneity; land and labour; and the growing economic and military might of the United States. Whether you might later choose to specialise in comparative Americas topics at Warwick, or whether you want to know more about the central place of Latin America within the broader colonial, post-colonial and global histories you're studying, this is the module for you.

Students on this module will be invited to participate in the Eutopia Legal History Conected Learning Community