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Reinterpreting the Holocaust: Sexualities, Ethnicity, Class (HI31Z)


Office Hours:


Seminar Times:


Dr William Jones
FAB 3.51

Tuesday 13:00-14:00, in office; Wednesday 10:00-11:00, MS Teams

Mondays 11:00-13:00 (FAB 4.80), 15:00-17:00 (FAB 5.02)


This 30 CATS undergraduate final-year Special Subject module introduces students to the Nazis’s project to murder Europe’s Jews and other minorities during the Second World War. The primary focus is to study these genocides and to deepen your understanding of events and experiences, as well as to introduce you to different scholarly interpretations and themes. The other goal of this module is to study the origins and implementation of the Holocaust from the contrasting perspectives of perpetrators, bystanders, and victims. We will explore the issues of race, ethnicity, gender and sexuality, age, identity, and ethical choices. This module considers how violence and trauma are narrated, remembered, and reflected in testimony, film, and literature. In the seminar, we will discuss narrativity and issues of memory, artistic representation, and also the application of historical theories.

The seminars requires close study of scholarly literature and published primary sources. You will be reading a lot, and you must ensure you read and think about the assigned readings before each seminar so that you can participate in the discussion. In addition to the 'essential' readings, at least one reading from those listed as 'recommended' is strongly encouraged each seminar as well (at the very list skim for the main points).
