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India After Indira, 1975-2000 (HI31T)

Module Tutor:   Dr Sarah Hodges
Office:   H026, ground floor of the Humanities Building
Telephone:   +44 (0)24 76523451 (internal extension 23451)
This module meets 10-12NOON THURSDAYS in ROOM H347
This module observes a no gizmo policy (laptop, tablet, mobile phone, or other personal device) for seminars*
Indira Ghandhi - Time Cover  

Overview: Polity, Society, Economy

This module is an undergraduate final-year 30 CATS Special Subject. Students are not expected to have studied India previously.

Why would a woman join a march holding a sign that reads: ‘We came to learn, we did not come to die’? In order to answer this and other thorny questions, this module examines key events and movements in India during the last quarter of the twentieth century. Major topics include: the rise of the Hindu right, the rise of historically oppressed groups as a political force (such as Dalits and lower castes), and the rise of globalization as everyday practice and as economic orthodoxy.

Students undertake close analysis of different kinds of 'primary sources': published scholarship, archival documents, films and oral testimony.

In short, this module introduces students to the study of India’s contemporary history and the nature of – and prospects for – postcolonial democracies.


*Please contact me if you require assistive technology