Seminar Topics
Week 1: [No classes for Year 2 options, but see Introduction and Organization]
Week 2: Politics and Tensions
Week 3: Living in Late Medieval Germany
Week 4: Religious Beliefs and Practices
Week 5: Debate - An Age of Reform or Decline?
[Reading Week]
Weeks 7-8 : Luther - Man, Myth & Message
Weeks 9-10: Oral, Written & Visual Communication
Week 11: The Reformed
Week 12: Reformation Writing - Issues and Resources
Week 13: The Peasants' War
Week 14: The Kingdom of Münster
(week 15): Extended essay surgery
[Reading Week]
Week 17: Deciding on Faith in Sixteenth-Century Cities
Week 18: Debate - Was the Reformation 'Good for Women'?
Week 19: Institutionalizing the Reformation
Week 20: Confessional Identities
Week 21: Charles V - a failure?
Week 22: Conclusion
(tbc): Revision session