A Social History of Cricket (HI2B6): Assessment and Contact Hours
The assessment for this second-year 15 CATS option module is as follows:
- Three curations of a cricket-related museum exhibit, pitched at three separate levels (academic, adult public, school children), explaining importance / wider relevance of object (80% in total):
- Academic - 2,200 words (50%)
- Non-Academic - 1,000 words (15%)
- Children - 300 words (15%)
- Oral presentation on exhibit (20%)
For full details of examination and assessment, please see https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/history/students/assessment/.
Contact Hours
Student contact hours for this second-year 15 CATS option module are as follows:
- Module duration: Ten weeks
- Lectures: One one-hour lecture
- Seminars: One one-hour seminar and seven two-hour seminars
- Film Showing: One two-hour film showing
- Field Trip: One six-hour field trip
- Tutorials: Two hours of feedback and curation preparation
- Total: Twenty-six hours